Loki Laufeyson- Scared (c)

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The library in the Asgardian palace was your favourite place to be. You were an avid reader and being in such a beautiful place as the palace surrounded by some of the best works of literature known on Asgard meant that it was impossible to not be joyous. Although in the couple of years that you had lived in the palace, you had made your way through most of the novels that filled the shelves and you did have a tendency to go back to a couple of old faithful's that you loved dearly and could read over and over again.

Today was like any other, your fiancé had gone to do his princely duties, so you headed off down to the library and planned to stay there until the sun had begun to set so that you could return to your shared chambers and see your fiancé. Rarely did the two of you ever get time together due to him being expected to do work, leaving you and him apart but you appreciated the times you got together and once you were wed, there would be the rest of your lives to spend together.

You were sat on one of the windowsills, giving yourself a beautiful view of the palace gardens whilst you read through one of the few books that you hadn't read before. You were lost in the pages of the book, so when someone entered the library, you didn't notice at all. You were none the wiser that someone was there with you until two hands had found your middle, forcing a scream to escape you in fear. Armed with your book, you swung it, smacking the person on the head.

Jumping up to your feet, you were prepared to attack the person but quickly felt apologetic when you found Loki stood behind you, clutching his head.

"Ow," he groaned.

"Why the hell did you try to make me jump?" You exclaimed.

He gave you a sympathetic smile. "I thought it'd be cute; I didn't think you'd try to bludgeon me."

You shook your head at him, discarding your book so that you could wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a hug and gently kissing him.

"Don't you ever do that again!" You said sternly. "I was scared, and I'd never want to actually hurt you."

"You love me anyway," he smirked.

You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "Yes I do, so don't make me change that."


Written by Charlotte.

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