Gamora- Game (a)

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"What is this?" Gamora held the tiny silver boot to her eye and inspected it thoroughly. "How do I use it?"

"It's the boot." You said as you carefully plucked the metallic game piece from her fingers and carefully slotted it back in with the rest of the pieces. "You can pick one later, except the battleship that's for me, when we start to play but for now just listen to the rules." Her eyebrows rose at the thought of a battleship being included in this game of Monopoly and her listening became much more intent.

"What benefit does the boot give me?" She asked, cutting you off before you could go into the gameplay.

"What? Nothing, it just lets you keep track of who you are."

"Then why something as intricate as a ship or a boot? Why not just coloured tokens or rocks." She leant back in the chair and rummaged her hands through the different compartments.

"It just is, get your hand out! Do you realise how lucky we were to find this!?"

"Calm down." You slapped her hand out and unfolded the board. "Who's that?" She pointed to the hatted figure on the leaflet. "And why is his facial hair so stupid?"

"That's Rich Uncle Pennybags and his facial hair chooses aren't yours to judge. Are we going to play or just criticise the mascot?"

"Relax, we have four hours to our destination, plenty of time." You couldn't help but laugh at her ridiculous statement.

"Between teaching you, Drax and Rocket this we would be lucky to start the game in four hours." Gamora held the game pieces up to her eye in turn.

"Why don't you just teach all of us at once then? I don't see why you have to do it one by one."

"Have you ever seen the three of you together? I'm surprised you ever manage to get anything done it's like watching a group of toddlers trying to solve a puzzle."

"We do not act like children!" She rapidly stood from her seat and slammed the table with her fists, the game had not even started yet and already the floor had become a victim to little red and green houses.

"Explain the temper tantrum then! I say one little thing and you're slamming your fists and throwing your toys out of the pram."

"The toys are right there!" She yelled, pointing at the box on the table before a swift swipe from her aggravated arm knocked it onto the floor.


Written by Aaron.

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