Thor Odinson- Cocky (a)

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A mighty roar echoed throughout the battlefield as Thor vaulted over your back and struck the imposing frost giant left of centre in his chest, the blue skinned fiend exploded into a rain of ice.

"I'm counting that as my kill." Thor smiled and launched his Mjolnir through the frosty air until it crashed through the back of a second vile giant. "And obviously that one too. Come on, keep up. They aren't going to rid themselves after all." In his cocky stride Thor did not notice the charging giant quickly closing the gap with teeth bared and a frosted hammer poised and ready to strike.

"Thor!" He glanced back, the giant was close enough for the condensation of his breath to wave across his face but a quick sidestep and the giant fell limp on the end of your spear. "Do I get to count that one for myself, oh mighty Thor?" He laughed, thanked you for being a good brother in arms and complimented you on your fine thrusting stance.

"Of course, I was the one to teach you. Right, what is the total now then?" Amid the blind chaos of battle Thor counted his giant kills upon his hands and came to the conclusion of thirty-eight, including the one where you had helped of course. "And you?"

"Well I haven't really been counting to be honest, I have more important things to worry about."

"Too scared of a friendly challenge, eh?" He wrapped his thick fingers around the leather handle and spun the hammer furiously, it spun around him in a vast circle and cut through another line of giants as if they were made of paper. "Make that forty-two." He stood proudly and graciously accepted Mjolnir back into his hands. "Don't worry y/n, when I'm king and preoccupied with having all of Asgard to run, maybe then somebody will be a greater warrior than even I. Although let's face it the prospect is unlikely."

"One day your arrogance will be your undoing, you may be Thor, son of Odin. You are not invincible however, you ought to be more careful. What would have happened if I wasn't there to fell that charging giant?"

"It probably would have tackled me; we would have engaged in some form of brawl and it would have ended with me caving it's head in with my hammer. I appreciate you killing it before I had to spend all that energy but trust me, I would have been fine."


Written by Aaron.

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