Peter Parker- Rain: Part 2 (a)

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"It is my fault. We couldn't stop him so you're more than in the right to blame me." You couldn't believe what he was saying, for the first time in the conversation you pulled your eyes from the window and looked over to see tears slowly falling down his face, was it your fault he was feeling this way?

"Don't be ridiculous Peter. If it's anybody's fault, it definitely isn't yours. You were a kid, were both still just kids. You can't beat yourself up because of what happened." He turned to look at you and unable to see anything he leaned over and sat his face on your shoulder. "I don't blame you, I really hope I didn't make you feel like I did."

"I've blamed myself since day one, if I was stronger or better prepared it might have all been different." He pulled his spotted blanket up to his chin and lay there silently as ran your fingers through his silky, freshly washed hair.

"You did everything you possibly could."

"What if they can never reverse it? I know if any of the other Avengers are left, they're looking for a cure or something, I just hope they can. I miss everybody so much." He sat up and wiped the tears from his cheek onto the blanket. "I need to find a way to bring everybody back." He frantically jumped up from the sofa and rummaged through the drawers in your living room for pens, paper, pencils, whatever he could find that would help him to make plans.

"You know I believe in you Peter, but maybe we need to work on moving forward, instead of being stuck in the past."

"I'll never forgive myself, if I drive myself crazy trying to figure this out so be it." He unfurled a long stretch of schematic paper and sat your home décor on the corners to keep it steady.

"Can I at least help then?" You asked, at least it would draw your attention away from thinking about everybody you had lost.

Peter looked up from the page which had already been marked with scribbles and loose sketches.

"Find me everything you can find about the Thanos, about the gauntlet, the stones. Everything."

"Where am I even going to find that stuff out? We don't exactly have Fury or Maria to tell us where to look."

"That guy... Strange... said he knew about him. Maybe try that weird building downtown, I'm sure that's where he lived."


Written by Aaron.

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