Wade Wilson- Warehouse (a)

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It wasn't the biggest bounty you had ever helped Wade on, but by no means was it the smallest and somehow, those little gold cards almost always had you chasing the name down to some refurbished warehouse that had jumped from vacuum cleaners to crack cocaine.

"Just leave!" From across the room and behind a sturdy, overturned conveyer belts the drug boss's voice hurdled over bullet-hole riddled machinery and wannabe mobsters that had shared a similar fate at either yours or Wade's hand. "Get the fuck out of my production or I swear to god I will blow this place to the ground with you two still in it!"

Wade popped his head from behind your cover only to quickly drop it again a second later as a bullet ricocheted from the metal.

"You seem very angry. Have you considered taking some anger management courses?" Wade shouted back. "You stay here, draw his fire, throw him a few Wade Wilson quips, and I'll sneak around the side and shoot this motherfucker in the head."

"How come whenever I help you on a bounty, I always end up as the bait?"

"Firstly, it isn't help, you tag along, and I can't get you to leave. Secondly, be grateful I'm even letting you come along and not just locking you in the door with a 'Don't worry, they have food and water' sign." You crept your head slowly up to try and get a glimpse of where he was hiding, but you could not see anything but the settling dust and the trashed drugs operation. "Ready?" Before you had a chance to answer Wade had snatched a grenade from your belt, hurled it over your cover and darted over to the next stack of boxes he could use to hide himself.

"Yoohoo!" You quickly stood up and ran the opposite direction to Wade, doing whatever you could to draw the attention of the bounty. "I was thinking, after we're done killing you would it be okay if we turned this place into like an anti-drug centre kind of thing? Either that or we could turn it into a support centre for ugly, egotistical drug runners who are in too far over their head."

"If you're a superhero and your powers talking shit, I feel sorry for you." The bounty rose from his hidden position, a mean snarl across his face and a rifle tucked tightly into his shoulder.

"We're not quite superheroes, they don't normally do this." Wade popped up, the barrel of his handgun pressed firmly against the bounties head and his finger slowly compressing the trigger.


Written by Aaron.

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