Carol Danvers- Steak (c)

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A good old pub meal was sometimes needed and with your girlfriend back from fighting evil across the universe, it seemed like there was no better time to go. Carol had returned home yesterday from some far-off planet that had a name no human tongue could handle and you felt the need to celebrate having the woman you loved back by your side.

She had traversed every corner of the universe but whenever she returned to her birth planet, she always had an insatiable hunger for the local pub's dinners. The two of you would always head there, lying to everyone about her having been out of town for work, which technically wasn't a lie. You had found your booth that you always occupied when you turned up for lunch. It had become a tradition, to the point that when the waitress came over to the booth, she didn't bother bringing menus rather two large glasses of coke and a portion of onion rings, knowing that was what you always started with. The woman checked if the normal was in order and of course it was leaving the two of you to chat until she returned.

You always got a burger with more things put between the buns than you thought possible whilst Carol always had a hefty steak. The waitress had barely walked two steps away from your table before Carol had smothered her plate in ketchup and using her hand to scoop several chips into her mouth.

She let out a noise that only seemed sensible to be made in the bedroom.

"There is nothing better than this steak and chips," she moaned. "Honestly I've had meals on more planets than I can count but nothing can beat this."

Carol carved out a large chunk of her steak, popping it into her mouth.

"Not even space cows?" You asked. "I'm sure they'd make a better steak."

She shot you a look. "There's no such thing as space cows. There's lots of different creatures that somewhat resemble a cow but none that would be deemed a space cow or that produce steaks, especially not ones that are this darn good."

She continued to shovel in her food making ungodly noises before she offered you a large grin, food in her teeth.

"Thank you for always coming here with me," she grinned.

"You know if I could I would travel the universe with you it meant I could make you smile."

"I wish you could."

With that the two of you tucked into your food again until your plates were completely clear.


Written by Charlotte.

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