Miles Morales- Spray Paint (a)

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"Don't sweat it." Miles took a second to analyze your latest attempt at street art before covering it in a clean layer of black paint. "Nobody gets it right one hundred percent of the time, just stick it out and you'll be fine."

"How do you find the time between... you know." You briskly scanned the shadowed corners of the hangout and lowered your voice to almost a whisper even though nobody else in New York knew about it "being Spider-Man, and school and whatever." The bag of cans rattled as Miles kicked it across the floor and over to the next, fresh sheet of plywood.

"Being Spider-Man doesn't take up that much of my time you know, it's more of a part time, occasional occurrence as opposed to a full time position." He pulled you over to the wall and dropped two cans into your hands.

"You've stopped three bank robberies, busted four big time drug deals and made the news for saving the mayor's cat from a tree. Now firstly, the crime in this city is disgusting. Secondly, you're Spider-Man for most of your free time. It's taking over your life." Miles laughed and stood back from the board.

"What do you want me to do? Stop being Spider-Man just so I can make time for hobbies. Trust me, I know the police do what they can, but this city needs a hero. This city needs me."

"Maybe it doesn't just have to be you." Mile's face dropped before he became a volcano of erupting laughter. "Come on man, I'm serious here."

"What, you fancy yourself a sidekick now?" You shook the cans in your hand, and flicked the lids to the gravel below your feet.

"Why can't I be?"

"Well damn let's see... you haven't graduated high school yet, I don't think you could win in a thumb war and what superpowers do you have again?"

"I can learn. I'm worried about you Miles, you're working yourself to death but you're too busy worrying about other people. You're too busy being you."

"We came out here to paint, are you going to make art or should we just head home?" He asked, growing increasingly impatient.

"You can't do this by yourself, but you just aren't ready for that conversation yet are you?"

"Forget this, you wanna be my sidekick? Come back with either superpowers or someway to actually make your ass useful."


Written by Aaron.

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