Peter Parker- Rain: Part 1 (a)

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The crashing of raindrops cascading against your old windows echoed throughout your house, for once your normally hectic household fell silent, except for that pitter patter. For the first few weeks after the snap, you had managed to convince yourself that losing most of your friends and your family wasn't that bad, but the magnitude of what had happened had finally caught up with you.

"I didn't know what cookies you would want, so I just brought the whole tray." Peter came through the door with a tray in one hand and reems of blankets folded over his other arm.

"Thanks." You struggled to stay positive and even though Peter was doing everything he could to make you feel better you couldn't help but let your thoughts get on top of you.

"Should I just leave them on the side or... what do you want me to do with them?" He slowly made his way up to you. "Okay." He sat the tray and blankets gently down on the other side of the sofa and began to exit the room. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me for anything."

"No, wait." It wasn't fair for you to take your emotions out on Peter, especially seems as he was one of the only people you had left around you that actually cared for you. "Can you stay with me for a bit?" Without hesitation Peter wrapped a blanket around himself, moved the tray out of the way and perched in the corner overlooking the wet landscape.

"Do you need another blanket? Do you want something to drink?" He asked, ready to do whatever it would take to make you happy again.

"No, I just want you to sit with me for a bit." He happily agreed and joined you in sitting in mostly silence for what seemed like half an hour. "I'm sorry for taking everything out on you."

"What do you mean?" He asked as he took a bite from what was probably a stale chocolate cookie.

"I've been taking everything out on you, and it isn't fair." He quietly chewed on his snack, even whilst talking your eyes were drawn to the empty New York street, which only weeks ago would have been packed to the brim with commuters, tourists and just... people that were living their day to day life.

"It's fine, it doesn't-"

"It isn't fine Peter, I'm sorry."


Written by Aaron.

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