Tony Stark- Hushed (a)

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"I know what you're going to say, but I hate Iron Man." Tony's suit may come equipped with the most technologically advanced first aid measures known to man, but he still occasionally asked you to help him out with the smaller injuries, the occasional stitches or bandaging in a tricky place. Today he had asked you to help him clean out a nasty cut on his back and as his romantic interest, you couldn't really say no.

"I've never been one hundred percent on it myself." He winced as you pressed a cotton wool pad covered in antiseptic into the cut, wiping away the debris that had imbedded itself into his skin. "But the world needs Iron Man. I know that we haven't exactly been dating for a long time, but you knew who I was before that." You threw the pad away and rubbed his back, giving the wound some time to breathe before pulling out the all too regularly used stitching kit.

"I know." You ran the thread through the needle. "I just can't bear the thought of losing you."

He looked back at you, locking his eyes with yours as you set the needle and thread down onto the surgical tray.

"Nothing is going to happen to me, I'm Tony Stark... I always make it out on top." He went to back, and braced himself for the needle, but you placed your hand on his shoulder and turned him around. You placed your hand tenderly under his chin and rubbed his cheek with your thumb.

"I love you Tony." He looked stunned at your comment, he just stared at you, you could see him trying to come up with a response in his head.

"I... I love you too Y/N." He ran his hands through your hair, before pulling your forehead towards his lips and gently planting them on there.

"I haven't left the Tony Stark speechless, have I?"

"What? No, no. I am a master of charm and charisma, I have a ten-billion-dollar industry built on that very fact." He rolled his shoulders as he turned back around, you collected the needle and slowly started sewing him back together.

"I knew that I would love you before I even spoke to you." The comment made you stop momentarily; you didn't quite know how to respond even though you had felt the same way. "Whose the hushed one now?"


Written by Aaron.

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