Valkyrie- Training (c)

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"Do you know I always wanted to be a Valkyrie," you grinned, swinging the sword to clash into hers.

"Most women did," she responded, trying to catch you out with her movements of her sword but you were quick enough to catch them.

"Not princesses," you laughed. "We are not expected to have dreams of any kind, simply to look pretty and marry well."

A sly smirk curled upon her lips. "You certainly do the former well."

You couldn't help the heat that rose into your face. When you had met Valkyrie, the last of the female warriors, you had instantly fell in love with her. She was beautiful, headstrong and more than capable of protecting herself and all of those around her. As a child you had always wanted to be part of the Valkyrie, always seeing them as the epitome of femininity and strength combined something that was never allowed in your life.

The Valkyrie were to protect the throne and as your father was the one to sit upon it, you were always hoping to be part of them to finally be seen nearly as important as your brothers. Thor was a warrior and perfection in the eyes of your father whilst Loki always lacked in the physical sense, but your mother dotted on him regardless. You always felt a disconnect from your family so somehow created a connect with the female warriors you idolised. If you had told your younger self that with a lot of convincing you were being trained by a Valkyrie and certainly had more than a friendship, you'd have never believed it but nevertheless, you were glad it was true.

She swung her sword again, clashing with yours before diving towards you hitting your leg with hers, knocking you to the ground. It certainly wasn't a comfortable fall but when she jumped down to straddle you, you couldn't think about the pain, being distracted by how close she was to you.

"I won," she smirked, leaning closer to you, her face inches from yours.

"I'm getting better though," you commented. "I have a great teacher."

"I could teach you a few other things if you like."

Before you could say anything else, she leaned in to press her lips firmly to yours, not for the first time. Any moment that you got to share with her was perfect especially when it was intimate like it was currently.

Laughter knocked you out of the blissful moment, both of you turning towards the doorway to see both of your brothers stood there looking bemused by the scene.


Written by Charlotte.

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