Clint Barton- Nap (c)

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Without much to do on your Sunday afternoon, you thought that you would settle down and have a little nap. Naps were one of your favourite things to do, so why wouldn't you take up the opportunity to fall asleep on the couch and make the most of your free time. Clint usually continued on with his day, very rarely accidentally waking you up as he continued with his day but today his attempts to keep you from napping certainly weren't accidental.

As you snuggled up on the sofa with one of the old throws covering you and the cushions stacked up to support your head, Clint had set up a camp behind the armchair without you being none the wiser. You were just about to doze off when something smacked you in the forehead. It didn't hurt and it wasn't much bigger than a two pence piece, but the fear was all too real. The object hitting you made you jump and flail, sending you off of the sofa and sprawled out on the floor. As you tried to scramble up to your feet, you noticed Clint poking his head out from behind the armchair.

You shot him a glare, knowing it was him that had done something to wake you, but you still weren't certain what had hit you nor how. When you picked up your blanket so that you could go back to your nap a small arrow with a bright orange foam tip fell out revealing the nerf arrow that had struck you. You snapped your eyes back to your husband just as he released another of the arrows, hitting you in the cheek.

"Clint!" You huffed, throwing one of the arrows back at him. "Why the hell did you get a nerf bow?"

"Tony didn't think I could master it, I proved him wrong," he shrugged, standing up.

You rolled your eyes at him, not at all surprised by his reasoning, knowing that whenever Tony was involved something bad would likely happen.

"You're such a goon," you stated as he approached you.

Clint discarded the bow onto the sofa as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I would say I'm sorry for disturbing your nap, but your expression was far too amusing to miss out on that," he grinned.

You playfully smacked his arm. "If you wake me up from my nap again, I'll make you pay."


Written by Charlotte.

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