Stephen Strange- Book (a)

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You walked down the winding staircase into the library of the London based sanctum, particles of dust danced and swirled through the air as Stephen ran his hands through page after page of ancient tome and secret text.

"Come on..." You leant over the banister as he floated from one bookcase to another, each one displaying more ancient looking texts than the last. He pulled out a very large book with a large toothed demonic head embossed onto the leather front, you were sure that the eyes followed you as he opened the cracked, whining spine.

"Not now Honey." His index and little finger spread the pages apart as his eyes rapidly ran down the archaic script.

"Come and get some sunlight. You've been down here for weeks." You tried your best to lure him out from his research den, leaning over the bannister but knowing full well that Doctor Stephen Strange wasn't the type to be led astray by lust or sexual desires.

"I have been down here for about fifteen minutes." His eyes did not deviate from the unknown symbols that protruded ever so slightly from the oddly pristine pages. "This is very important business."

"How important could it be?" You asked, taking a few more steps down the stairs towards him.

"Do you remember I was telling you about Dormammu?" He looked up over the book at you with unamused yet focused eyes, you just nodded, and he went back to reading, occasionally and very carefully turning the pages to the next.

The inlayed edges of his cloak came up from behind his back and tapped the page, Stephen's eyes shot over to where the garment had pointed to and his mouth dropped, he somehow managed to share a look of dismay and slight fear with it.

"Oh my." He pulled a long ribbon from the mouth of the demonic depiction on the cover and ran it to the page he had discovered, seating it neatly into the crevice of the spine and closing the book gently.

"What's wrong?" You ran down the stairs, trying to peak in between the pages.

"Nothing... nothing of great concern to you anyway." He quickly tucked the book into his armpit and closed the shutters, locking them extra tight and grabbing onto the amulet of Agamotto that swung effortlessly from his neck, it hummed with pure energy as his hand moved closer towards it.

"Why don't you go and stay with your family for the weekend?" He briskly walked past you, the cloak flowing behind him


Written by Aaron.

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