Steve Rogers- Away (c)

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As soon as you had heard the front door open, you rushed to it to see who was there. You assumed it would be your husband unless burglars had got into the habit of cutting keys. There stood your husband looking rather tired and worn out with cuts and bruises covering his visible skin. You hated him going on missions, but you knew it was for the greater good and you weren't going to stand in the way of him doing what was right. Whenever he left the house to go on a mission, you were instantly filled with nerves and wanted him to come back to you, it only got harder when he didn't return when he first said that he was going to.

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long," he apologised, putting his bag down.

"I'm just glad you're back in one piece. I fear the day when someone is going to turn up with a fragment of your shield, telling me something happened," you admitted.

At least when he was at home you knew he was safe, and you got to spend time with him; those were the times you appreciated the most.

"I've got to make it up to you though," he said with an apologetic tone. "I hate leaving you here on your own, especially when I know you get so worried."

"It's your job to save the world. You wouldn't be a great Captain America if all you did was sit at home with your wife and ate pints of ice cream."

Steve shook his head at you, wrapping his arms around you. The distance did make it hard, but it also made the moments that you got to spend together even more important and special.

"Just let me make it up to you," he smiled softly. "I can't bear to think of the pain I put you through."

You rolled your eyes at him, not needing him to be chivalrous currently.

"Fine, there is one thing you can do to make up for the time you have been away."


Moving onto your tip toes, you wrapped your arms up to loop around his neck, smiling at him, just glad that he was home and not in a body bag.

"Kiss me."

A chuckle rumbled through him as he shook his head, expecting something far different from a simple kiss but if that was all you wanted then he would be at your service.


Written by Charlotte.

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