Valkyrie- Bar (c)

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"I'm really not interested," you said for what felt like the millionth time.

No matter how you phrased it, it seemed as though the man couldn't seem to quite understand what the word no meant. He kept pushing his interest onto you but had no reason to care for him. You had been sat at the bar, knowing that was probably the nicest place to find on the unfamiliar planet Sakaar but the man decided to fight that thought. He tried his best to convince you that he was a good guy but you couldn't care less, you had no interest in finding a date with a man, so you said no in any way that you possibly could.

"Come on," he smirked, leaning too close to you again. "Don't be so stuck up."

"I said no!" You demanded.

The man grabbed hold of your wrist, tighter than any form of friendly interaction would involve as a snarl escaped his lips.

"Let me go," you hissed, trying to pry his fingers off of your arms but they just dug in deeper, likely leaving marks where they firmly grasped.

Neither of you were able to say anything more when you were distracted by a loud smashing noise. A woman whom had been sitting a few bar stools down from you had smashed her empty beer bottle against the bar, letting the end smash, leave sharp edges.

"She said no," the woman spat, turning towards the man, holding the sharp edge of the bottle to his throat.

"Who are you?" He growled.

She put some pressure onto his throat, the glass slicing his skin and allowing his blood to seep from the shallow wound.

"Your worst nightmare," she hissed. "Now this woman wants you to leave her alone, so I suggest you do."

The man let out a loud huff in annoyance, clearly not enjoying being told what to do, but whomever this woman was she was willing to fight for the little man to make sure things went right. The man walked away from the two of you, glancing back but as long as this woman was by your side, you were pretty sure he wouldn't be causing you any trouble.

"Thank you," you whispered. "He just couldn't grasp the meaning of no."

She nodded her head. "He seemed like a creep."

"Let me buy you a drink," you smiled softly. "As a thank you."

"I'd like that," she smirked.

"I'm Y/N."

"You can call me Valkyrie."


Written by Charlotte.

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