Loki Laufeyson- My Lady (h)

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No families were perfect, there was always going to be arguments and disagreements but the majority of the time the memories that you made together would outweigh those arguments.

That is what you had always believed until you had been welcomed into Loki's quite dysfunctional family.

Loki had made his intentions clear about you from the start – he had courted you for months before deciding to introduce you to Frigga, Odin and Thor and then as soon as Odin had questioned Loki regarding you, Loki's answer was that he intended to make you his betrothed should Odin and Frigga agree.

From then on Frigga had treated you as the daughter she'd never had and soon enough you and Loki were officially betrothed with a wedding date set.

Unfortunately, only a month before your wedding Loki had completely gone off the rails. He'd finally gotten sick of Thor's arrogant and egotistical ways, along with his brother's complete and utter disregard for the responsibility that he was going to have when Odin eventually passed on.

Loki's idiotic actions had ended himself on house arrest, confined to the chambers that the two of you shared and you were growing sick of his self-loathing.

Of course, you understood how he was feeling – Thor had overshadowed him for years, treated him like something off the bottom of his boot and even had the audacity to attempt to court you once you were betrothed to Loki.

Despite all of this you did not believe that Loki needed to act how he had.

Your chambers consisted of a sitting room and then a separate bed chambers as well as a separate washroom. Your betrothed had decided to confine himself in your bed chambers that day, and so you were left in your sitting room with a book in your hand.

Loki eventually decided to appear in your sitting room but looked totally unkempt – his hair was mussed and knotted and greasy, his clothes hadn't changed in the past week and you weren't exactly sure the last time he'd cleaned.

Sighing to yourself you stayed quiet as he traipsed his way to the washroom, you hoped to clean himself up, but when he re-emerged, he looked no different.

"Spoilt prince," you muttered to yourself, your frustration boiling over.

"Excuse me?"

Sighing again you turned to your betrothed. "I called you a spoilt prince Loki, you need to snap yourself out of your loathing."

He scoffed whilst rolling his eyes. "I am in perfect condition thank you my love."

And with that he disappeared back into your bed chambers but now that he'd spoken to you, you had hit your limit.

Placing your book down rather forcefully next to you, you stormed into your bed chambers to see Loki back in bed.

"You need to stop this, it's killing you," you pleaded with him, exasperation present in your tone.

He attempted to look unbothered at your words, glancing down at the book he held in his hands before rolling his eyes. "Isn't that what you wanted my love?"

You couldn't mask your surprise at what he'd said. "Why would I ever want that?"

"Do not try to hide your distaste with me my dear," he drawled. "I see the loathing in your eyes, I can sense your disappointment in me so leave me to be on my own."

He grimaced as he saw the hurt flash across your face – Loki knew you didn't feel that way towards him, he knew you loved him, but he no longer felt as if he was fit to marry you.

"I have made grave mistakes," he admitted in no more than a whisper, but you still heard.

Your heart broke at seeing the man you loved so broken, yes by his own choices and due to his own misguided judgement but it still hurt you, nonetheless.

You sighed as you approached the bed, slowly so as not to upset him, and eventually you took up your place beside him.

"We can work through this my prince," you spoke softly, reaching out to intertwine your fingers with his. "You are aware that I disagree with the choices you have made, and I cannot deny that they have hurt me," you truthfully told him knowing he did not need you lying to him. "But I do believe that we can move past this."

Loki felt somewhat reassured by your loving gaze, and whilst he no longer felt as if he deserved you, he wanted to prove himself to you once again.

"You are still the one I wish to marry," you placed your hand on his cheek. "And I only hope that you still wish to marry me."

Foe what felt like the first time in a long time, Loki smiled that gentle smile that you fell in love with. "You have always been my love, my lady and my whole life."


Written by Hannah.

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