Jean Grey- Trust (c)

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"Even in a school filled with mutants, I am considered odd," Jean sighed. "Professor Xavier promised that this place would make me feel accepted, but I don't think I've ever felt so isolated, and believe me that's saying a lot."

You couldn't help but feel bad for Jean. Ever since she had joined Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters, she had been isolated. This was the place were isolated children and teenagers came because they were different, and the non-mutants of the world couldn't accept those differences. You couldn't imagine the pain that would be felt by someone when even in this safe haven people tried to keep you as an outsider. She had telekinesis and telepathy, some of the easiest mutations to hide from a world of mutant haters but here it was just something that people feared and hated more than anything else. Everyone feared she was peeking into their minds or would use her powers for evil which was lesson number one at the school to not do.

When you first met her, you knew she wasn't going to use her powers for evil, at least you hoped she wouldn't. She might lose control every once in a while, but everyone here did and that was one of the reasons the school was here, to get young mutants to learn how to control and use their mutations.

"I don't think you are odd," you smiled softly. "Well at least not any odder than we all are."

She tried to smile in return, but it was weak and filled with pain. You could teleport and people thought that was pretty cool, so when the other mutants learned your mutation, they wanted to see you use it, instantly making you feel like there wasn't wrong with it. Jean on the other hand was still told her mutation was wrong and as it was now other mutants telling her that you knew it had to hurt her.

"Then why does everyone hate me?" She sighed.

"They don't all hate you," you smiled. "They just don't take well to different, which I know is weird for a school of mutants. Your mutation they can't understand, they can't see the telepathy, so it scares them. They know when I am using my mutation as I am somewhere else, but they are scared to trust you to not use your mutation against them as they can't prove it."

It was a twisted way of thinking of it but there wasn't any other way you could think about it.

"Aren't you scared?" She questioned.

You shrugged your shoulders. "What's the worst you can do? Tell people my secrets? Well my biggest secret was being a mutant; I have no other hidden aspects about me. I also prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to trust."

Jean's lips curled into a gentle smile as she realised that she did have at least one friend here and that was all that she really needed.


Written by Charlotte.

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