Peter Parker- Lawsuit (a)

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A purple blanket cast itself over the city as the sun fell once again behind the horizon, Peter had brought you up to the Avengers tower as he did some nights so that you could enjoy it in a way most people would never be able to appreciate.

"What's wrong?" Peter's arms hung over the railings and his gaze averted from the ornate sky down towards the solid grey backdrop of central New York.

"I need to go away for a bit." He pushed himself away from the bar and sombrely strolled towards you, shoulders slumped and arms swinging by his hip. "Maybe for more than a bit, maybe for a long time."

"Let me guess." With a tender grace you hooked his bare chin in your hand and lifted it until your stares met. "You need to go and... save the world or stop some super villain from destroying the city?"

"Not this time." He plucked his battle-scarred mask from his pocket and ran the fabric around his fingers, studying each fibre as if each strand held a deep and distant memory or some deeply craved secret of the universe. "I don't think I can be Spider-Man anymore." He slid down the wall and once at the bottom ran course lines through his hair with his fingers. "I know I can't be Spider-Man."

"I know you doubt yourself Peter, we all do. But think of all the amazing things you've done. Think of all the people still alive and breathing because of... you."

"It isn't that I don't want to be him anymore." You joined him and wrapped your arm around his shoulder, pulling him in tightly. "I love being Spider-Man, I love being able to help people and if I could help it I'd never give it up, I'd never trade it in for anything." He tossed the mask to the ground beside him. "Sometimes though we don't get what we want and we don't get to make all the decisions."

"Just tell me what's happened, I'm sure between me, you and the rest of the Avengers we can figure this out."

"There's been some big lawsuit or something and basically, I'm literally not allowed to be Spider-Man anymore." He could clearly sense the confusion that had painted itself onto your face but he didn't seem so clear on the matter either.

"You and the police have never really gotten along though, what's different this time? Just save the day and zip away like you did before?"

"This is different, I... I don't even know what's going on. People say it's bad though."


Written by Aaron.

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