Clint Barton- Rainy Day (c)

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There were high hopes for a romantic picnic in the park for you and Clint, but the weather decided to go against you. It was rare that the two of you got a chance to go on dates, being parents and having to focus on your children but seen as they were staying with your parents for a couple of days, you were going to make the most of it. Even if the weather was deciding to fight your plans, you were prepared to work around it and find a way to have a nice date with your husband even if it couldn't be in the park.

Luckily you enjoyed a good rainy day so had set up shop in your living room, the curtains were open, letting you see the rain drizzle down the windowpane. Even though it wasn't necessary, you had pulled out the blanket and spread it across the floor, placing all the food that had been prepared for the picnic out on it. The two of your curled up on the floor, leaning against the sofa for some comfort. One of the benefits of creating a picnic indoors was that the two of you could happily stay in your pyjamas and enjoy the extra comfort that came with it.

"At least we won't get ants in our food," you smiled, grabbing a sandwich, passing one to Clint as well.

"We did have to lock the dogs in the dining room so that they don't try to get in the food though," he stated.

It was a fair point, knowing both of the dogs would end up headfirst in the food on the floor if they had their way, although they would still likely get scraps when you were done.

"Also, I get to have coffee, I couldn't have that in the park," you said, reaching for your coffee mug with your second hand.

Clint wrapped an arm around your shoulders, holding you close to him as you both made your way through all of the food that you had to prepare the night before. You had barely gotten through half of it before you were slumped together, tired and full. At least you wouldn't have to make dinner later, able to just eat leftovers instead.

"Even if we didn't get to go to the park, I'm just glad we got to spend the day together without watching another Disney movie," you smiled softly.

"If anything, getting to spend the day together in the house is preferable," he said. "At least we can have a nap now."

You couldn't help your grin. "A nap sounds great."


Written by Charlotte.

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