Carol Danvers- Fiancee (c)

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When you heard the knock on your door, you were frankly confused due to not expecting a guest and seen as you lived pretty much in the middle of nowhere people rarely just popped by. Nevertheless, you assumed it was someone who had been walking through the nearby land and had gotten completely lost and ended up on your property as there was little over explanation you could think of.

As you opened the door and saw who was on the other side, you were glad that you were completely incorrect.

"Carol," you gasped, grabbing hold of the door frame to stop yourself from falling over as your legs started to wobble below you.

Six years ago, you had been dating Carol and were happier than you had ever been. The two of you were planning to get 'married' in a small ceremony with friends and with no legality due to the illegal nature of same sex marriage but both still wanted something to unite you like any heterosexual couple could have. It was truly the happiest time of your life, having the woman you loved living with you, both of you working for the air force and doing something good for the war effort. That all came tumbling down though when Carol had been flying a plane and it ended up crashing. Although her body wasn't found, the carnage that was led everyone to believe that she hadn't walked out of the situation. Clearly that wasn't true as she was currently stood in front of you.

"You must be Y/N, right?" She offered with a gentle smile.

"What?" You whispered, rather confused.

"Are you not Y/N?"

"I am Y/N. Do you not remember me?" You asked.

She shook her head, offering you a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember anything before six years ago. That's why I'm here actually, I wanted to see if you could help me figure out what happened to me. I don't know how we knew each other but you might be able to help me piece together some facts that I lost to me."

"You really don't remember me?" You questioned, pain imbedding into you.

No matter how much you loved her, she had no idea who you were, just that at some point she knew you. Maybe the two of you would never be how you were again, but all you could focus on now was having her back and how excited you were for that.

"Were we close?" She asked.

"We were engaged."


Written by Charlotte.

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