Scott Lang- Mistletoe (c)

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You had been getting work done on the sofa, using your laptop whilst trying your best to not acknowledge Scott who was grinning at you, trying to get your attention. You assumed that he was up to something, which he normally was, so you were planning to get your work done before you got involved in whatever he was up to.

Surprisingly he stuck out the near hour of your work, watching you intently but continued to fidget in his seat, struggling to not reveal his plan.

"Why are you staring at me?" You huffed, finally finished with what needed to be done.

"No reason," he shrugged, looking at you out of the corner of his eyes to see if you still cared about what he was doing.

"Yeah, I will believe that when I see it," you said with a roll of your eyes.

You did love Scott with all of your heart, but he was pretty much always up to something, whether he meant to or not. He just seemed to find trouble in everything that he did, it was almost a talent really.

He continued to feign innocence whilst you packed up your work and begun to head out of the room, Scott following close behind. Before you got out of the room, Scott called your name, so you stopped in the doorway, not knowing what he wanted. You cocked an eyebrow at him, letting him tell you what was going on.

"Look up," he grinned.

You did as you were told, seeing a sprig of a plant hanging above you. Although you were all for Christmas, and were making the most of the festive season, you had no interest in mistletoe, if you wanted to kiss someone, just do it.

"No, not happening," you stated with a shake of your head.

"It's a tradition," he argued, puckering his lips towards you.

"I don't care about tradition; you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you," you huffed, stepping out from under the mistletoe to try and fight his so-called tradition.

Of course, you wanted to kiss him, but you weren't going to be told to do so by a stupid plant.

"You're no fun," he frowned.

"I'm a lot of fun," you said. "But if you want to kiss me, then just do it, don't be dictated by a plant."

He rolled his eyes at your stubbornness, knowing he wasn't going to be able to convince you, but he would try to trick you again later.


Written by Charlotte.

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