Felicia Hardy- Awkward (a)

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You stared in disbelief, unable to move as she stood on your table, her claws shining in the kitchen's light and her mouth agape. You could barely talk, you were wearing nothing more than underwear but you didn't even think to cover yourself up.

"Hey. I'm Felicia, you may know me from the news as Black Cat." Slowly she stepped down from the table and with a slight flick of her hand she retracted her claws. "This is... awkward." You reached out to the clothes airer which you kept in the hallway and pulled an ever so slightly damp shirt from it.

"Yeah, it is. Can I help you?" It was one of the most bizarre encounters you had ever had, a world renown master thief stood in your kitchen, trying to make some form of conversation with you.

"I didn't... I don't think I've ever been caught before. What do we do now?"

"I was just getting something to drink, some milk. Do you- do you want some?" You edged past her, towards your quietly whirring fridge.

"I could do with something to drink. I hope your choice wasn't some kind of cat joke though?" You half-filled two tall glasses and handed one over to Felicia, you pulled her a seat out before taking one yourself.

"I hope this is just a fever dream, but if not, can I ask why you're in my kitchen?" She brought the rim of the glass to her lips and slowly began to drink, both of you couldn't bring yourself to take your eyes from the other.

"I think there's something in your apartment from the... from the last people that lived here, they had some connections to the Maggia or something."

"Huh. Cool. You aren't going to hurt me, or anything are you? As long as you don't trash the place I don't mind you taking it. It wasn't like I was going to find it."

"No. I'd rather not hurt you, if I could just find it I'll be out your hair." Only looking away from you for a few seconds at a time she walked around your apartment, hoping to catch some hint as to where the treasure would be hidden. "Do you have any idea where it might be?"

"Do you know what it is you're looking for?"

"No. Not really, I overheard some thugs talking about it so I followed it up and all the paperwork pointed to here. Some Maggia heist that went missing, they think the guy that lived here stole it from them."

"Huh, cool. Do you want me to help or just stay out of your way?"

"You know what, I think I might just come back a different day. It's a bit weird skulking around somebodies apartment when they're watching."


Written by Aaron.

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