Karolina Dean- Mission (c)

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Not once would you have ever thought that you would run away from home. Of course, you didn't know what situations would be and that there would be a good reason to run away. You had been living with your cousin Chase and his parents and you'd have never imagined that his parents along with the parents of all of your friends had a dark secret that meant none of you would be safe to stay at home, but it explained a lot.

You were able to run far faster than any human should be able to, and once you learnt of the hell that came with the family, you soon realised that something likely happened in your childhood, leading to you have the super speed that you had.

Life just wasn't how you anticipated it to be. You, your cousin, your girlfriend and your four friends were on the run, needing to figure out what would be done to survive. Everyone split up into groups, having their own tasks to do, to get supplies and prepare for however long you would be stuck out in the world trying to find a new home.

You and your girlfriend Karolina were going to be getting supplies from your and Chase's homes, hoping that your aunt and uncle were following their normal routines and wouldn't be in the house. It was anxiety provoking as you didn't want to see them and if they were home, you feared what they would do to you if they found you.

"I can get in and out without worry really," you commented. "It'll only take me a couple of seconds to get stuff and get out."

"Then why am I going with you?" She asked.

"You're the muscle."

She playfully slapped your arm for your comment. You weren't good at fighting, and Karolina wasn't the best but at least she was better equipped at it, your super speed just meant you were good at getting out of the situation, not actually facing any dangers. Karolina leaned in to press her lips to your cheek, just glad to spend time with you even if it wasn't the most pleasant of journeys to break into what was up until recently your home.

"Are you not scared?" She asked.

You shrugged your shoulders. "Not necessarily scared but nervous. They are my aunt and uncle; it feels weird to think they may want me dead."

"I know. It's hard to think that my mum is part of this," she sighed.

The two of you fell silent for a second before moving on to complete your mission, not wanting to think about the dangers your families were putting you through.


Written by Charlotte.

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