Valkyrie- Armour (a)

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Thor headed hastily to the Bifrost, ready to take on whatever challenges Hela could throw at him, leaving Bruce piloting the Commodore and Valkyrie staring uneasily at the disused silver uniform that Thor had given her just moments ago.

"Put it on then, it isn't exactly like we have an abundance of time before Hela destroys Asgard." She held the garments in her hands and ran the fine fabric in between her fingers. The memories of days far past flooded into her head, predominately the battle against Hela and the decimation and death of everybody under her command.

"I can't put this uniform on." She threw the uniform over to you and told you to simply get rid of it, and that it was not needed. "I don't deserve to wear this. Putting this on would do nothing but disrespect the Valkyries that died wearing it."

"Why? Because you didn't die?"

"Because I should have died. I should have taken that sword straight through my chest. Maybe then, the person that sacrificed themselves, would have done something that wasn't running away and abandoning her people." Her hands ran up and down the large turret that Thor had sat on the side of the Commodore.

"You deserve that uniform now as much as you did when you first fought Hela. What were you supposed to do? Stay when the rest of your soldiers were dead? Fight singly against the goddess of death?"

"I should not have deserted the place and people that I was sworn to protect!"

"It would have been suicide to fight Hela by yourself. So you've been off the rails for a bit, the people of Asgard will welcome you back with open arms. And they will love you even more so when you put this armour on and help Thor put that bitches head on a stake." Valkyrie smiled at the thought. "We don't have a lot of time left if we are going to go and help."

"I'm not scared to fight, I will happily take that hag on in battle, but I still don't deserve to wear the armour."

"You are every Valkyrie that has ever lived, they are all inside of you. They are watching as well, you know, from Valhalla and they deserve to feel proud. If not for all of them, wear it for the person that sacrificed themselves so that you could go on and do great things."


Written by Aaron.

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