Peter Parker- Apartment: Part 2 (a)

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"My names Peter by the way." It was hard to hear as Peter swung through the New York skyline, twirling around towers and pouncing from skyscrapers.

"Peter..." You struggled to form a full sentence as you could feel last night's dinner slowly make its way back up. "Would you mind maybe slowing it down a bit? I like not having to take the subway, but I don't think the people underneath me would appreciate- you know what I mean." You almost had to scream your words to cut through the whirring wind.

"Oh, sorry." Peter hoisted you both onto the top of a rusted, rattling fire escape. "Take a few minutes, just enjoy the view."

"Thanks Peter..." Unfortunately the flowers he had gifted you were little but stems as they fell victim to the webslinging winds.

"Parker." He said after a deep, calming breath. The nape of his neck was the first to enjoy the suns rays as he pulled the tight mask from his head, it was not long before his face basked. "I guess if you're going to be staying at the tower, it'll be hard for me to keep my identity. I trust you though."

"Wait! Peter Parker? As in the Peter Parker that went to Midtown?" A nervous but wide smile crept onto his face as he ran through his high school years, trying desperately to remember you. "Y/n, y/n y/s/n. I sat a few rows back from you in chemistry." His face widened and the smile grew bigger and bigger.

"I remember you. How weird, how are you?"

"Some jerk through a supervillain into my apartment, apart from that I'm okay though." Peter laughed and dusted off the second to bottom step of the fire escape's stairs. You both sat on the cold, slightly damp steps. "Clearly you've done quite well for yourself, I always did wonder why you always disappeared just as something bad happened and Spider-Man appeared."

"I did okay for myself, it was mostly Tony though I can't take all the credit. You can't have done too bad, you have your own apartment overlooking Central Park... an apartment you share?"

"No." You laughed. "I have a few fish but my landlord offered to take them until the apartment is livable again. It's weird actually, I always had a crush on you during school." In a bid to hide his rosy cheeks Peter quickly slipped his mask back over his head.

"We need to get to the tower; I think Tony's getting something to eat ready."

"What's the matter, I said I did not that I do!" His one arm wrapped around your waist and the other stood suspended in the air, ready to shoot the first strand of web. "I mean I still do, but I did as well."


Written by Aaron.

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