Bruce Banner- Thunderstorm (c)

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You and your boyfriend Bruce had been out to the library and had a lovely day together. Anytime with him was always a pleasure and you couldn't deny your love of the library, not that Bruce could deny it either. The two of you both had a love for book, only coming second to that of your love for each other. You both did a bit of reading for a few hours before heading home.

It was a nice walk home until the weather decided to change foul. The sunshine quickly disappeared, becoming hidden behind heavy dark clouds as rain begun to pour from the heavens. Not only did rain fall but thunder and lightening joined the party to throw out a full-blown thunderstorm with at least fifteen minutes left of your walk. Bruce begun to panic, having forgotten to bring a jacket which you had also forgotten but was surprised to see your smile.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

You looked up to the dark clouds, enjoying the feeling of the cold rain hitting your skin. You knew you'd regret it when you were completely soaked through by the time that you got home but currently you couldn't help but enjoy it. Ever since you were young, you had enjoyed the rain and the sound of thunder was somewhat therapeutic to you, even if you knew it was a little unusual.

"Wanna dance?" You smiled at your partner.

He cocked an eyebrow at you. "Why would you want to dance in this?"

"I want to feel the rain," you grinned, twirling around, happy to have the rain.

Bruce seemed completely confused by your desire to be out in the rain, although most people didn't agree with it either. Nevertheless, you didn't care about what others thought, you enjoyed thunderstorms and the rain, so when the opportunity arose, you enjoyed it.

"We're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to stop and feel the rain?" He smiled.

You shrugged your shoulders. "Are you going to dance with me Brucie?"

He hesitated, shaking his head.

"I don't really know how to dance."

"No one needs to know," you grinned.

You grabbed hold of his hands getting him to dance with you. You weren't sure what you were doing, having never really danced before but you enjoyed being with Bruce out in the rain. The two of you continued for a little while before you absent-mindedly looked down and realised what you were wearing.

Both you and Bruce had white shirts on, but with the downpour that you were out in, both had become almost completely clear. You looked up and gave him an apprehensive smile.

"Well this is awkward..."


Written by Charlotte.

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