Clint Barton- Theft (c)

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When you came home from work, you expected to find your husband sat on the sofa watching television. You certainly weren't wrong however sat next to him was a dog that hadn't been in your home when you had left in the morning. It was a large Labrador that had its head resting on Clint's lap, the man stroking his golden fur.

"Why is there a dog in our house?" You asked.

You weren't against getting a dog one day, actually you were all for it however you didn't expect to find one on a random day when you hadn't even discussed it. The dog was adorable and seemed to be comfortable with Clint, but you didn't know where he got it from, and you knew that Clint wasn't the most responsible so his sourcing of the animal may not follow common ethics or law.

"He's our new pet," Clint stated with a childlike grin upon his face as he looked towards you.

The dog peered up at you, wanting to know who the new voice belonged too but quickly moved to rest his head back in Clint's lap.

"Where did you get him?" You questioned.

Clint paused. "I found him."

"Are you looking for his real owners?" You said with narrowed eyes.

A sheepish smile curled onto his lips as he took a moment to think of the best way to tell you about what had happened.

"Well I found him tied up outside the shop around the corner, his owners clearly didn't want him," he explained.

You let a sigh, running your hand through your hair, already tired for the day of what your husband was up to.

"Did you just steal a dog?"

He hugged his new canine friend, giving you a pleading look, trying to look sorry for himself, even though it just made him look rather pathetic.

"He wasn't happy."

You knew that Clint commonly did stupid things, but this was by far worse than anything he had ever done before. You had never known him to steal an animal, but really it shouldn't have surprised you, it wasn't too far out of the realm of possibility with his track record.

"You need to take him back," you frowned.

Clint shook his head violently, hugging the dog.

"But I love him," he said, jutting out his lower lip.

"You're going to put up signs to find his real owners, until then he can stay here and if no one claims him he can stay. Only if you really do try to find his real owners," you stated.

He let out a sigh. "Fine."


Written by Charlotte.

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