Peter Parker- Bathroom (a)

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"Come on..." Peter rushed you into the bathroom, making sure that none of the other students making their way to class saw you both slip away.

"What? What's the big rush I've got chem to go to, this had better be important, you know how the teachers here ride my ass about being late?"

"Just... Just wait there." He checked that nobody had slipped in before running into a cubicle and locking the door shut.

"I really think if you've got another rash you should speak to aunt may... Or the school nurse, you showed me last time and honestly my first aid training didn't prepare me as much as I thought it would."

"Trust me y/n, I'm not here to get medical advice, just hold on. Okay... Has anybody come in?"

"No, but if you don't come out of there quick, I'm leaving. Don't want anybody to start spreading rumours about us?"

Peter exhaled deeply and the door lock slowly turned from red to green. The door slowly opened to reveal Peter stood there in a Spider-Man suit.

"Nice dude but uumm, Comic-Cons like a good few months away aren't you worried about putting on a size or two before paying so much for a costume."

"No, I didn't have to pay for it, so it's cool."

"Aunt May can't sew, can she? Where'd you get such a realistic spidey suit?" Peter brushed some dust off the suit.

"I am Spider-Man." You couldn't help but laugh, Peter liked to get into his cosplay but never to this point. "No really I am..."

"Prove it, if your Spider-Man then I'm Tony Stark."

"Throw some tissue into the air." Peter unravelled some toilet paper from the dispenser and handed it to you, constantly checking that nobody was coming in.

"What are you gonna do? Web it out of the air?" You asked sarcastically whilst running the paper under the tap.

"You can take the blame for making a mess out of the bathroom Spidey." He planted his feet firmly into the ground, you threw the soggy tissue towards the ceiling but before it could reach its target, it had been struck by web and was firmly implanted onto the otherwise pristine mirror.

"That's Mr.Spidey to you." He pulled off the mask and looked at you with a slightly confused look.

"Did you mean Spider-Man?"

"Yeah... I haven't got the whole quip thing sorted out yet."

"It's okay buddy, we'll work on it together."


Written by Aaron.

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