May Parker- Date (c)

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"My nephew is out a lot in the evening," May explained. "Not that I don't want you to meet him but with everything he has been through, I think it'd be for the best to hold off on that for at least a little while."

You nodded your head, taking a sip of the wine she had poured for you.

"How old is he?" You questioned.

"Sixteen. He's a lot more mature than that though," she smiled fondly. "He's been forced to grow up so fast, I wish I could've protected him from that, but it just became one thing after another."

Reaching a handout, you took hers, doing your best to comfort her but you knew it was likely futile as it was years of damage, much of which she likely had come to terms with.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to him?" You asked. "I know you mentioned your husband passed."

She nodded. "His parents were killed when he was young, I don't even know if he remembers them frankly. My husband and I had never had kids of our own, but Peter soon became like a son to us. Ben died and I was left to raise him alone, it was a struggle for both of us, but he had always been a good kid. He just tries so hard to do more than you'd expect from a teenager. He is... urm... working for Tony Stark actually, loves the job. Didn't tell me about it at first and sometimes I worry about him, but he spends most of his nights working with him."

"He sounds like a good kid. I'm sorry for all of your loss," you smiled softly.

"I've grieved and I will always love Ben, but things happen for a reason and I wouldn't have gone out and met your if I were still a married woman," she said. "I doubt I'd have even considered interest in women."

You offered her a smile, taking another sip of your drink. The two of you had met at work and instantly hit it off. At first there wasn't anything to it but soon you both realised that there were stronger feelings between you. Now here you were on a Friday evening drinking wine with a terrible chick flick that you'd both begun to ignore on, having a heart to heart and unknowingly falling deeply in love with each other.

"Well hopefully the future hold more happiness and less loss," you smiled.

"I hope so."


Written by Charlotte.

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