Peter Parker- Homecoming (c)

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Being asked to go to Homecoming with Peter seemed surreal. You had had a massive crush on him since you were in elementary school, so for him to finally see you in enough positive lighting to be able to ask you to Homecoming, it seemed like it was impossible to have occurred. Although you were beyond excited, you were also beyond nervous that you would screw it up but by the looks of it, he also shared the same amount of anxiety as yourself.

The two of you had awkwardly stood off to the side until he finally built up the courage (and at the DJ's direction) to ask you to dance. It was a slow song that you weren't familiar with but having him so close to you made you feel even more nervous.

"C-can I kiss you?" He said far too quickly to have been a thought through question.

Peter seemed almost as shell-shocked as you did at the question. You weren't sure if he was sincere in the question but both of you were beyond surprised in the situation. You had liked him a lot and your mind was screeching yes but you were too scared to be confident in your answer.

"Yes," you whispered, almost inaudibly over the water.

A grin curled onto his lips, clearly not having thought that you would say yes but very glad that you did. You could feel your heart flutter as you knew what would occur, the two of you still swaying to the music, not paying any attention to the rest of the students dancing around you. Peter took a moment to compose himself before he leaned in to gently touch his lips to yours. It was so brief that you would have doubted that it had ever happened but the reddened cheeks of the boy before you made it obvious that it had occurred.

The two of you instantly looked away from the other but instinctively pulled the other closer as you danced. It was nice to be reassured that he did like you in a similar way that you did but that didn't make it any less anxiety provoking to be true to him in how you felt.

Finally your eyes connected again and you took a leap of confidence that shocked both of you, leaning in to kiss him once more but this time slightly more forcefully than the one previously but equally as pleasant.


Written by Charlotte.

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