Marie D'Ancanto- Timeline (a)

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"So, what's your talent?" Was always a very common question that was thrown around whenever anybody made an attempt to start up a conversation with one of the new kids, and today was your chance as Marie sat on the other side of your bench.

"It's nothing too interesting." A low profile was always your main aim whether here or at home, you were happy just with your own company even if it did get lonely sometimes.

"You're... here aren't you? They must have seen something in you." You just shrugged and stared around at the ornate gardens that sat in front of the school. "Don't be shy. I could tell you mine but unfortunately, they're pretty well known around here. Not in a good way either." It was probably easiest just to get this over with quickly, there was probably no way she was going to drop the matter and for once you could talk about your differences in a positive light instead of people telling you how fake you were being.

"I can look into alternate timelines. You want to know what would happened if you turned left instead of right? I can tell you how it would have been."

"What do you mean not interesting? Do you know how useful that could be for us, I get that it isn't slinging lasers around or having claws shoot out of your hand but that could really prove invaluable." Everybody's opinion of your powers was always to hide them or to not bother since they weren't as cool as the ones people had seen on the news but making speaking to Marie wasn't such a bad idea.

"So how does it work?" She asked, hopeful.

"I need you to tell me the difference, I just need what happened and the date and then I need to... I need to touch you and hold on to you." Her face grew sombre and her shoulders dropped, you could see from the moment you told her she was going to ask you to do it, it was a look that you had become far too accustomed to at this point.

"So, there's no other way of doing it?"

"I'm sorry. I never should have said anything. Can I ask what you would have asked to know?" She took in a deep inhale, slowly releasing it before replying.

"I would have asked what my life would have been like if I never put my boyfriend into a coma."

"That sounds... that sounds rough, how long ago was this?"

"It was obviously a good few years ago, still recent enough to show up in a nightmare or two, I just would have liked to know, you know?"

That was all you needed, without a second to think this over you grabbed her wrist and held on as tightly as you could, bracing yourself for whatever was about to happen as your eyes rolled back.


Written by Aaron.

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