Scott Lang- Monday (c)

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 "Don't be stupid," he said firmly.

"No, Scott, you're the one being stupid," you retorted.

Ever since the two of you had gotten together, you had always bickered but today it was worse than it had ever been. You were stood with your toes almost touching, mere inches between you, jaws locked and tension encapsulating you. Arguments never got this heated between you, usually lasting seconds or minutes and being over trivial things but this time it was a whole knew level. It felt as though there were no escape from such a disagreement. With him having done and said some terribly stupid things that somehow breached his normal level of idiocy, you couldn't stand idle and not comment on it.

"You are making more fuss than is needed."

A deep sigh escaped you. You loved Scott with all of your being but sometimes it felt impossible to get through his thick skull and for him to understand what was going on.

"You aren't making enough of a fuss," you frowned. "You're planning to travel back in time to get the infinity stones even though you might be killed or trapped in the quantum realm for eternity. Not only that but somehow you think that this is all fine and dandy and that I have no right for concern over the matter. Frankly I can't believe that you honestly think that it wouldn't destroy me if you were killed."

He cocked an eyebrow at you. "I've been gone for five years and you seem pretty fine to me."

You needed to take a moment. You took in a deep breath as you tried to clear your thoughts so that you didn't say or do anything too drastic.

"How can you be so dense?" You practically growled. "I've had five years to grieve. I cried almost every day and I probably still would be if you weren't back, but I had to get my life together because the world had turned to shit. I love you Scott and I always will. Without you, without our love, life didn't feel like it mattered, it felt completely empty. Life was incomplete, it was just the worst parts left without you making it all seem better. Heavens, it felt as though life had just become a sequence of Monday's and nothing more. I cannot bear to just have Monday's again."

He took a second, analysing your expression. As tears begun to brim in your eyes, he wrapped his arms around you, keeping you close to him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into the crook of your neck. "I didn't realise what you had been through. It was stupid to think you had just gotten over it when I know that if it had been the other way around, I wouldn't be nearly as functional as you are now."

You gave him a gentle smile, knowing he struggled to be logical sometimes, but he meant well. All he wanted was to do what was right and save so many innocent people from the fate they had befallen to.

"I know this is probably the right thing to do but can we please at least talk about it first, I need to wrap my head around losing you all over again," you said softly. "I finally got you back, I don't want to have to go back to life without you."

He smiled down at you, pushing your hair away from your face.

"Either way, we'll make sure there is only one Monday in a week," he joked. "And even that Monday will be better than the average."

You rolled your eyes at him. Even if he was daft, he did everything in his power to make you smile and that was something that you appreciated more than anything.


Written by Charlotte.

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