No ship - Requested! - Nobody hurts Dream </3??

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No ship
Short af
Requested by: OragonGirl
Angst, i think??
3rd person

Dream whimpered as this man, Leo, approached him, grabbing his chin roughly, and the collar of his shirt tightly. Leo moved his hand up, tearing the mask off of the dirty blonde, and then grabbing his chin again. Dream's eyes were filled with fear, having had multiple encounters with this man. The older man full on slapped him at first, before pushing him to the floor, holding him down via placing a foot on his chest, and leaning on it. Dream tried to move the foot, but the other was, to be blunt, too heavy.

 "Tch. Look at you. So fucking weak, stupid, pathetic, helpless, no wonder you're all alone." The blonde, who had the other on the floor, spoke, laughing at Dream's useless attempts to get up. Leo eventually kneeled down, still over Dream, and just.. started punching him, whilst having a hand wrap around his neck tightly. After a few moments, when Dream's face had a few bruises along with blood from his nose and his newly split lip, Leo got up, letting the man sit up, before kicking him in the stomach.

 Dream let out a small sob as pain ran through his body, though, this wasn't the worst thing to happen, after running into Leo everyday, for about three months? He never told anyone about this, they didn't even know of this guy's existence. Though, he wasn't going to need to tell anyone himself, as four people had been walking by while Leo was there. They saw Dream's face and how it was littered with the marks. along with his own blood, and ran over to the dirty blonde quickly. Ant and Bad hugged the shaking male, whilst George and Sapnap asked him questions. " long has this been going on?" George asked, gaining a swift and quiet 'Around 3 months'. The four other's froze, taken aback by how long it had been. He was then asked for the man's name, before they went around telling the server, all absolutely pissed at Leo, of course. Dream was scared to tell the others. though, when they were told he felt, relieved.

 Lets just say Leo was never seen again.

I'm sorry TwT

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