No ship - Requested - You weren't joking..

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No ship
Requested by: Dreamentine
Again, No ship
Angst, Sad Dream
TW: mentions of Abuse, blood, Cheating,
3rd Person

"Lmao, This reminds me of when my dad left to get milk. He still hasn't got it though."

Dream said, laughing. Everyone else laughed as well, except Tommy and Tubbo who both heard the sadness behind his words, despite him laughing. They decided to talk to him about the jokes, that all related to his dad leaving.

"Yo! Dream we need to talk!"

Tommy yelled, chasing after the blonde. Dream kept running, though ended up in a corner. Tubbo was running after Tommy, and they both cornered Dream.

"What is it you want to talk about?.."

"Why do you keep making those jokes? And why are you so specific about when he left?"

Tommy questioned, looking Dream in the eyes. Dream noticeably tensed, though just shook it off, saying it was because they were funny, and he didn't know why he made it specific, he just did. Though, Tommy could see straight through his lies, as could Tubbo.

"Cmon man, Just tell us. It doesn't matter that we're only 16! We wanna know!"

Tubbo said, looking at Dream with a worried expression. The masked man took a deep breath before removing his mask, revealing his face to the two for the first time. They hadn't expected to see a scar over his red eye, nor his different coloured eyes.

"Fine. My dad did leave...when I was five... and I-it was my fault.."

He stated, looking at them both. They were taken aback, not actually expecting him to open up so quickly. Their eyes were widened, which just reminded Dream of that day.

Dream, a five year old, was walking around town with his mother. His father claimed he had too much work to do, so that's why he was with his mother alone, They were walking to visit George's, a friend of Dream's, house. They decided to stop at a small cafe, going inside and finding a seat.

Dream ran off to somebody, his mother following. She stood in shock with her emerald green eyes wide, staring at the site in front of her. Dream's Father was with another woman, holding her in his arms. Dream ran up to him, though was pushed away by the older.

"Babe, let's get out of here. Oh, and I'm staying with you. This, child, turned out to be such a mistake I can't even look at it."

His father stated, taking the lady's hand and leading her out. His mother turned and watched, tears running down her cheeks.

"M-Mama...? Where's...where's papa going?... and who's that l-lady?.."

Dream stuttered, lightly pulling on his mother's sleeve. She grabbed his wrist, telling him to shut up. She lead him back to their house, pushing him inside.

"He's leaving... Because you turned out to be such a fucking disappointment!!"

She shouted, slamming the door shut. The young boy teared up, backing away slightly. His mother walked towards him as he backed up, his eyes widening slightly as she slapped him harshly.

"Dream? I have another question.."

Tubbo stated, looking at Dream as a single tear rolled down his cheek. Dream wipes the tear away, looking at Tubbo.


Dream asked, scared about what the question was going to be. Tubbo looked at the scar over Dream's eye, staring at it for a moment before speaking again.

"How did you get that scar?... the one over your eye?.."

He questioned, watching as Dream tensed again, his breath hitching. Tubbo was just about to tell him he didn't have to explain when the older blonde male started talking again.

"Well... it happened a few years after my father left.. When I was about, thirteen, fourteen, maybe?"

He started, taking a deep breath as he remembered what happened, and explained it.

It was Dream's fourteenth birthday, and it had been 6 years since his dad had left, and six years since the mental, emotional, and occasionally physical, abuse begun. Drista was currently seven years old, and everyone adored her, so much. Dream, instead of treating the day like his birthday, treated it like it was Drista's, minus the presents. Every birthday of his, he would hang out with her as much as he could.

It was 10 pm on the dot, Drista was asleep, but the other two in the household weren't. Dream went down to the kitchen, planning to get a small snack seeing as he hadn't eaten at all that day. He ran into his mother, who was drunk and had a bottle in hand.

He waited a few moments before making his presence known, via tapping her on her shoulder. She panicked, her drunken mind going straight to making a weapon and attacking the mystery person. She smashed the bottle and turned, pointing the sharpest part of the broken bottle at the 'attacker'.

She didn't realise how close he was, nor that it was Dream, and accidentally ended up stabbing his eye directly, making him cry out. He fell to his knees, a shard of glass stuck in his skin. The mother covered her mouth, watching as he tried to pull the glass out.

His struggle ended up in him pulling the shard down before getting it out, leaving a heavily bleeding cut over his eye. He cried out again, holding a hand over the cut as tears ran down his face, alongside blood.

Tommy and Tubbo covered their mouths, before hugging Dream, who hugged them back, crying quietly. They stayed there for a while, the two 16 year olds taking in all the information they obtained.

The end.
I don't know if this is what you were thinking-
This isn't great, I know-
But I wanted to get it out today, and I didn't know what else to add-
Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoyed!
Have an amazing day/afternoon/night!

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