Sad DNF - You...cheated...

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Not a request
Warning: Cheating
3rd Person

Dream skipped into his house, smiling softly as he awaited the presence of his lover, George. He heard noises from their bedroom, though, didn't think much of it, not until he heard somebody yell a name, a female, yell *his* lover's name.

"G-GeORge! FuCK!" A feminine voice yelled, Dream tensing when he heard it. He started walking up stairs quietly, taking a deep and shaky breath before opening the door. His eyes widened in shock when he saw the scene.

Two people were naked, and together like *that*. George was on top of a female, one who he had recently met, named 'Caroline'. He was inside of her, and she had marks along her shoulders and neck.

Caroline was a female with blonde hair, which faded into a light purple and was long enough to reach her upper back. She also, happened to be, completely naked.

The blonde took a step back, his wide eyes filling with tears. George stood up quickly, walking over to the dirty blonde male. "D-Dream- Baby- I-I can explain!" He stuttered, only to be slapped harshly by said male.

"You fucking asshole!!! I t-trusted you!! Here! Have your fucking gift!!" He screamed, shoving a box into his hands before running off, crying. George looked at the box, a tear slipping down his cheek.

He decided to look in the box, curious as to what it was. He opened the box, Caroline having dressed herself and ran out. George covered his mouth, seeing it... was a golden ring, with the words 'I love you' engraved on the side.

He messed up, he messed up big time. Meanwhile, with Dream. Dream was leaning against a tree, somewhere in the forest, screaming and crying out in sorrow, his *heart* hurting. He felt so fucking betrayed...

He punched the tree before he straight up collapsed, tears streaming down his cheeks rapidly. With the amount of tears he was crying, he probably could fill up a swimming pool, purely in this moment.

He curled up on the floor, screaming as his heart felt like it was literally shattering. He hadn't ever gone through this on THIS level. He had been heart broken, but at least that person, even with all the torture they put on Dream, actually broke up with him.

He had expressed how afraid he was to love again, although, George had always reassured him that he wouldn't ever break his heart. What a fucking lie, huh? Dream punches the floor, continuing to scream and cry.

**A week or so later**

Dream, Sapnap and George were filming, and nobody but the ex couple knew what had happened, and that they were over. George went over to Dream, going to wrap an arm around his waist.

The blonde's eyes widened and he pushed the brunette away, slapping him. Sapnap gasped, and the chat was starting to go crazy. George looked at Dream with shock in his eyes. "What was that for?!" He yelled, Dream glaring at him.

"You know exactly why, Bitch!! Or do you need to go see fucking Caroline again to refresh your memory?!" He screamed, tears rolling down his cheeks. George took a step back, eyes wide.

"I- Dream, I'm s-" He started, looking down. He was cut off by the blonde however, who was caught up in the heat of the moment, and unknowingly started spilling everything that had happened.

"OH HO HO! NO. You save that motherfucking apology!! Save it like all those petty lies like 'I love you', 'I won't hurt you', and so fucking much more!! You're worse than my fucking other ex you ASSHOLE!!" Dream cried, slapping George again. Sapnap walked over, hugging Dream gently.

"It's not my fault you were such a bitch!! I needed some kind of fucking release!!" George yelled, covering his mouth afterwards. Sapnap and Dream both looked at him, the ravenette shaking his head, whilst the blonde up started full on crying.

God fucking damnit, Dream only now realised he had his mask off. Everyone watching any of their streams could see his face right now, and his tears. Sapnap held Dream, though, the blonde eventually just, ran away, ending his stream right before he did.

Sapnap ran after him after yelling at George, and George just stood there, looking down. Dream was full on crying again, punching the floor until his knuckles bled, unable to express his emotions any other way right now.

He ended up stopping, just clutching his own shirt, sobbing. Everything hurt so fucking much, everything. He couldn't take this, he couldn't. If this kept up for much longer... he'd have to stop it by force, so he wouldn't be impacting everyone else with it.

He saw himself as the problem, the reason all of this happened. He's the one who was never ready to bring his and George's relationship to the next level, and getting properly physical. He's the one who didn't give George free reign of him.

He's the one who made George feel like he needed another, he was the reason. It was all his fault. Everything was. Now everyone knew. And he, he just fucking couldn't. He couldn't take it anymore.

He was ready to end it already, just, stop it. Fix the problem. Solve it. Permanently. It may be ending his own existence, but at least it's something, right? It stops the problems, right? Everyone would be happier, right?

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