No ship - Poisoned?

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Dream took slow, careful steps forwards- if he went any faster, he was sure he would just fall off, and have to restart. Luckily, everyone else around was struggling- normally he would feel bad for being happy about that, but, it was a competition. The dirty blonde was having trouble- not like everyone else though. The obstacles weren't too hard, not for him.

He managed to get past one more, quite a bit ahead of everyone else- before losing his footing and just, collapsing. Everything was blurry, he couldn't see properly- his body hurt as well, just a dull ache. Dream weakly tried to raise his trembling hand to ask one of the supervisors for help, it quickly falling and landing on the ground with a small thud.

He felt so weak, not just in terms of being unable to move properly. Dream just laid there for a moment, tears forcing themselves from his eyes. He eventually managed to force himself up, and, despite knowing how stupid he was being, continued to go. He only just reached the end of the parkour, the message going out that he finished, when he collapsed again, feeling so much worse than before.

Dream felt extremely nauseous, like he was going to throw up any second, everything was spinning, his arms and head hurt like all hell, he didn't know what to do. All he could manage was a small plead for help, tears rolling down his cheeks. Luckily for him, another managed to reach the end of the course as well, not noticing him at first.

"Holy shit- Dream?! Dream, can you hear me?" They ran over to him, not bothering with activating the message that he finished. Dream tried to reach out to them, more tears streaming down his cheeks. "" He managed to get out, breathing growing difficult and painful.

"Dream, Dream, do me a favour, okay? Can you raise your arms? Over your head?" Dream let out a small, pained whimper as he tried to- barely being able to lift them over his head, he lowered them quickly, the pain getting t be too much. "Okay, okay, Shit- Um.." They suddenly got up, running to the edge of the finish line, screaming for one of them to help.

Of course, they came over instantly, seeing Dream on the floor, crying. Dream started sobbing brokenly, shaking his head slightly as his vision started to go dark, practically begging them not to leave him- with as many words as he physically could get out. They immediately called for the doctor they had on standby, telling the others the event needed to end early.

Everyone was gathered at the finishing line, where Dream laid, with laboured breathing, red skin, a bit of drool on his chin, and judging on the way he wasn't moving much, weakness as well. Oh, not to mention the tears on his cheeks, and the way every so often he would gag. The doctor told them others were on their way, to take Dream to the hospital immediately.

"I can't say for sure, but most of these symptoms point to poisoning, I'm not sure what kind of poison either- but, I have a feeling this only happened an hour or so ago." They explained, watching as everyone stared at them, tears in some of their eyes. "I noticed that.. Dream seemed a bit unbalanced about half way through the course.. I just thought h-he was getting tired.."

One of them confessed, holding their arms tightly. "It's not your fault, I promise you that. If you guys think you may know anything about when or how he was poisoned, please inform the police immediately," They smiled slightly, closing their eyes for a moment.

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