Punz x Dream? - Even if it means murder,

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TW; Whipping, implied r**pe, implied sexual assualt, implied child pornography, implied torture ig?

 He screamed as it hit his back once again. He swore it cut through his skin, almost getting to his bones. It had started off as just one whip, to another, and another, and another. Then it was an endless cycle. An endless cycle of pain. Of blood.

The 10 year old knew this was punishment for refusing to... supply the older children, and the adults with lewd pictures and videos, he refused to keep it up. He didn't want lewd videos and pictures of him being sold... but, he had no choice, did he? He really didn't, they were determined to keep giving out things like that of him. "Gah! Please! I'm sorry! Stop!" He cried as one last crack in the whip was heard, and his vision went black.


 "Dream? Dude- Hello??" Sapnap was waving a hand in front of his eyes, or, where his eyes should be- it was difficult to tell where they were with the mask. "Sorry, I spaced out," Dream held his arms close to him, trying to get rid of the fear caused by the memories. "Man, so, all I do is show you this really cool whip I found, and you space out like that?"

The ravenette sighed to himself, before walking back, confusing Dream. He then pretended to whip Dream, having gone just far enough so he didn't. Though, it made slight contact. He... hadn't expected the other to fall back, not for him to start crying. "N-no- p-please... I-I-I'm sorry... n-no more..." "...D-Dude? Dream?..." Sapnap walked over. "If- If it makes you feel better, you can hit me," The ravenette tried, placing the whip on the others lap and rubbing his back.

He, again, didn't expect the response. Dream screamed, he sounded upset, afraid, and in pain. It was, frightening. "STOP!! No! Please! You- You're dead!! They promised me y-you were gone!" He cried, pushing Sap away and backing away, shaking his head violently. "Dude? What the hell? It's just a whip!" Dream hugged his knees to his chest, whispering incoherent phrases.

One of the other's, Punz, walked over, confused and concerned. Punz wasn't just a person who Dream paid to be on his side, he was someone who loved the dirty blonde. He was someone who, Dream paid because, he- Dream- felt really bad when he didn't. "Dream, hey... It's me, it's Punz," Punz mumbled quietly, not daring to touch the boy, not yet.

After a bit of Punz talking and reassuring the smaller, Dream suddenly jumped onto Punz, sobbing out broken pleas, and explanations. "Pl-please... Don't g-g-go... Scared... They said he-he left- they said they all d-did- they said- they said she wouldn't come back- They said that- that I would never have to go through th-that again- please, please don't l-let them hurt me, n-not again..." He sobbed, holding onto the other as if he were the boy's lifeline.

"Sh sh sh, none of them will come back. I'll protect you, I promise, but... Could you tell me what they did...?" Punz had no idea what the other was talking about it, but even then, he'd try to comfort the other. "Th-they'd w-w-w-whip me when I-I- misb-misbehaved..." Dream started, trying not to cry right away.

Punz was shocked just at that, and he didn't know who he was talking about. "T-the older K-kids and the-the adults would... They'd u-use me for sexual r-relief... I'd be f-forced to... to let them make videos and p-photos of me- I-I didn't want to..." The dirty blonde was shaking, a lot, he couldn't do this- he couldn't- he couldn't-

"Dream, breathe. You're okay, I promise. I'll keep you safe, at all costs. Even if it means I have to resort to murder, I will,"

The end,
OK ok, this one was something random i thought of at some point so like, just- don't ask-

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