No ship - Requested - Fuck ("It was all fake?" Part 2)

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No ship <3<3
Requested by: I don't have the names but 2 people asked for a part 2
- Therapy
- Angst
- Abusive relationships
- Abuse
- Abusive Parents
- Sapnap tried to make up with Dream but Dream doesn't give a fuck
- That's all I think
- Enjoy <3
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Dream sighed as he got up, following everyone else out of the dining room. The second he stepped out from behind the doors two people grabbed his arms and took him ahead. "Who are you guys?" Dream asked- he was beyond being surprised at this point, all he remembered had been fake.

"We're leading you to your room. The others are all going to the activity hall," One of them stated simply, Dream shrugged and accepted it. When they got to his room, they gave him a key to it before opening the door. "You have to decorate it yourself, you'll meet with a therapist in two hours and then an hour after the session is finished there's a group you are suggested to attend,"

Dream was caught off guard by this. Why the fuck did he have to see a therapist? They were all stupid and bad at their job anyway, from his experience. "You'll be seeing one because it is part of the procedure, whether you cooperate or not is up to whether you want to deal with the trauma and guilt yourself or get help," They both then left.

Ah, he voiced his opinion out loud. Of course he did. Dream laid down on his bed, groaning quietly. He didn't want to deal with that bullshit. He didn't even remember seeing any, but he knew what they were like. It felt like it was just build into him. He let himself take a nap until he'd have to be woken up to see that person.

The nap felt like it lasted two minutes before he was woken up, being escorted to a room that felt way too off-putting. "I'm here to see... Dream Wastaken?" Some guy walked in, taking a seat across from Dream. "Ah, I know you must be very confused and annoyed about everything. But I'm here to talk to about anything worrying you, Mr Wastaken," Dream just crossed his arms.

"I understand. You don't want to talk? That's alright. I know how startling it must be to find out you've been living in a fake world and then suddenly being dragged around everywhere," Dream stayed quiet- he didn't want to speak. "..Then please allow me to ask you questions and try to get you to let your emotions out on me, alright?" Dream leaned back in his chair, nodding slightly.

Sure. If this guy wants to make Dream break down before making an attempt to build him back up, so be it. "Hmm.. That man, his name is Quackity, right? I'm sure it must've been damaging, both the physical and psychological torture. Your head's probably still all mixed up, so you might need a moment to-" Dream spoke up- he wanted this guy to leave him and Quackity being friends out of it.

"Shut up about me and Quackity. It's in the past," Dream huffed, leaning his head back. "..Someone outside hurt you in another way," Dream tensed- he wasn't talking about that, surely. Surely not. There was no fucking way he knew that. Even Dream still remembered that, despite the fact he wasn't meant to be able to.

"I'm right. I know I am, they may of fabricated the world but not your memories," Dream looked at the therapist, what the fuck? "You were.. thirteen? Well, that's quite young. Eight years ago, a year after your sister passed away, and a year before.. she came into your life," Dream clenched his fists. "Shut up," How the fuck did this guy know all this? Why did he know this?

"Your parents really liked their drinks, that's why you felt attached to her. Because she'd drink and act like your parents," Dream wanted to yell at this guy already, tell him to shup up and stop. He ended up doing that. "Shut up- Just shut up already! You do-don't know anything, you got that?! You have no idea!" Dream yelled, slamming his hands on the table between them.

The guy just smiled, leaning back. "Well, would you like to tell me what happened? So I can get an idea, so that I can know," Dream crossed his arms again, looking down. He knew what the man was doing, but he couldn't stop the way he replied as if on auto pilot.

"You don't understand th-the half of it. You don't understand how much it hurts when you bring her up. You don't have any idea how much I want to fu-fucking just- just-..." Dream trailed off, looking down.

"Mom and dad would always fight, over the fucking smallest of things. L-like.. 'why didn't you do the dishes', 'why is there still water on the floor', 'why haven't you taken out the trash yet', 'you're sweating everywhere', so on and so forth," Dream started, taking a deep breath.

"They'd always get really drunk and they wouldn't fucking stop. Mom got too drunk one night and 'accidentally' hit my sister with her bottle," "She died, because mom kept trying to kick her awake. She would've been fine otherwise.." Dream could remember it as though it were yesterday.

"She was taken to prison for a couple years. Dad didn't like not having someone around to fight with and hurt. He turned to me. He got his stupid f-fucking friends in on it as well," Dream was trying not to yell- he didn't want anybody outside the room to hear this. "He said he needed the money, apparently. Fucking bastard," Dream huffed- he couldn't stop talking here, it just felt wrong to stop now.

"A year after he started that, I met a girl five years older than me, she told me what friends are 'supposed to do'. She got me trapped in a relationship with her," The therapist nodded, showing he was still listening. "She was underage but she got alcohol using a fake id, she'd make me drink as well so I couldn't go to the police," Dream kept going.

Eventually, Dream finished, he finished talking and the therapist started. Dream couldn't remember much of it, he just knew he felt a bit better and that was confusing. "You'll have someone else if you decide to go to the group session. She's my sister's wife, she's a nice person," Dream didn't say anything, just getting up and walking out.

Why the hell did he say all that? He didn't have to. Dream walked to his room, closing the door and laying on his bed. He hated this place, he wanted to go home. He heard the door open and he quickly sat up, looking at the person who opened it. Sapnap. "You here to kill me or what?" Dream laid back down, closing his eyes.

"...I'm sorry Dream, what you did was messed up but.. I should've a-at least tried to understand why," Dream opened his eyes again, turning to face the younger. "Don't try to act like a hero, Sap. None of us are free from guilt. We all did things," "...I know. That's why I'm here," Dream rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure, say what you want and get it over with. Unlike you, I don't give a shit about the guilt or the regrets I have," Dream got up, crossing his arms. "...I want to be forgiven, and I want to forgive you. It's difficult- I know, but.. I want to try," Sapnap was clearly trying, Dream could see that.

"Fine. Try as hard as you want, I won't stop you," Dream walked out- he wanted to find Techno, Phil or Punz. The only three who actually gave a shit about him. He eventually found Punz's room and he knocked. "Come in," The blonde hummed, Dream opened the door.


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So uh, I wrote this like you guys wanted- It's short, rushed, and it doesn't mention the things from part 1-
But I tried, 
I hope you all enjoyed it! Even if just a little!
I'm sorry to say that I don't think I'm up for doing a part three, but who knows.

Oh also! I said I was gonna do something when I got 200 chapters, I don't remember what it was and who I said it to though, if anybody knows please tell me! 

Alright, well, bye bye! Love you all! <3<3

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