No ship - Dream lost his wings

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TW: Implied R * ... Implied Torture ig? Kidnapping, 

Dream had always had wings, he was known for them, he never use them, but they were something everyone knew about, due to a fight with Techno, which ended in both needing help. He had different coloured wings, one went from black, to a light green, yet it was still oddly beautiful, while the other went from pure white, to an ash grey. 

They were both well kept, and they were easy to tuck in, and spread out. He had once asked Phil to teach him how to fly, just incase something happened and he needed to use his wings, or so he, Phil, and maybe even Ghostbur could go out flying together at some point, all were possibilities.

The dirty blonde, even after learning to fly, barely use his wings, only to help others out with things, like Sam and one time he needed extra redstone from a chest, but he didn't have a ladder. Or Bad, while he was building statues, and forgot to make a way down. Or Skeppy, and him needing a few more blocks. Or even Techno, when he lost his horse completely.

He had helped most people out at least somewhat, from something as simple as getting an extra block, to saving their life, he helped them. Sure, his wings had occasionally been damaged a bit, but never enough to make him cry, make him stay in bed, to leave him rendered unable to fly, plus, he'd always have Phil, or one of the others, help him bandage his wings when he needed it.

They hadn't seen him for a few days now, and while it was worrying, they had things they had to do, and that meant that nobody really had time to think about it too much, most deciding he probably just got lost and was challenging himself to get back without flying or something dumb like that. 

So it was quite a surprise, and a massive scare, when a series of muffled screams echoed through the air, and a certain dirty blonde was found completely nude, on the floor, surrounded and covered in a mixture of blood and.. another liquid... It was during the middle of a festival, and it was only a few minutes away from where they all were.

 Phil, Sapnap, and Techno were the first ones to go check it out, saying they'd alert the others if needed. They were certainly shocked by the sight of Dream on his knees, his arms tied together in front of him, a cloth forced in between his teeth, his legs spread and ankles tied in an awkward way, that prevented him from moving his legs much, but also forced him to keep his legs spread, while on his knees still.

 He was covered in bite marks, slight puncture holes, cuts, bruises, hickeys, and a few whip marks. He had tears running down red and bruised cheeks, he was sweating, he looked terrified. He was literally leaking a certain white liquid, along with blood. But, the thing that stuck out the most, was that his wings were gone, his back was absolutely covered in blood, which was still spilling, and he had holes in his back.

 He looked up at the three with glassy eyes, shaking almost violently. He seemed to try and back away, but he physically couldn't move, all he could do was stare up at them, and pray that they weren't going to hurt him. All he saw were 3 figures standing there, faces and anything that could've helped his panicking mind recognize them blurred.

Techno rushed forwards, taking the cloth out of his mouth, taking his cape off, and wrapping it around the dirty blonde, who let out sobs, shaking his head, as if silently telling them not to do something, not to hurt him. His bounds were cut off by Sap, and Dream instantly crawled away from them, his back hitting a tree as he started quietly begging them not to hurt him, 'not again'.

Phil rose his hands above his head, showing he didn't have anything to hurt him with as he slowly took a step forwards. He slipped off his coat, letting it fall behind him, raising his hands again. Dream glanced between the 3 males, Sap and Techno moving back a bit, sitting on the floor. Phil stayed still, at least until Dream seemed to relax a bit, taking another step.

Dream watched him carefully, taking note of the 10 seconds he waited before each step, only waiting longer if Dream flinched back or anything. Phil was now only about.. 5 steps away? And Dream just looked up at him, taking a second to recognize who it was, and quickly grabbing onto his shirt, pulling him down and hugging him tightly, crying into his shoulder.

"It hurts- It hurts it hurts it hurts- make it stop- it hurts!" He cried, holding onto Phil's shirt tightly, his knuckles turning white. "He t-took them- He cut th-em off- He d-idn't stop- he ke-pt going- he- inside- hurt- blood- f-first-" He sobbed, his voice breaking as he tried to form sentences, as he tried to explain what happened, but it was so hard- he couldn't do it- He just couldn't.

The end.

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