DNF-DNB? - Requested - You can have the rings.

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Requested by: SxftieJonix_
TW: Cheating,
Ships: Dreamnotfound, Dreamnoblade - can be seen as platonic

Dream smiled as he walked through his door, calling out for his boyfriend. "Babe! I'm home!" Dream called, stopping for a moment at the sounds of a bed creaking upstairs. He shook his head, continuing to smile as he walked- going upstairs to his and George's room, knocking on the door. He heard shuffling, and quiet yelling?

Dream was confused, he knew that George often hung out with people- usually girls- while he was away, and he never got to be there while they hung out. He didn't mind though! He trusted the brunette more than he trusted himself. He knocked again- not wanting to just walk in, that would be an invasion of privacy.

 He waited a few minutes, before walking in, apologizing as he did- then he froze. Dream stared at the sight in front of him with wide eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek. He stared at the girl who was trying to get her shirt back on, who had hickeys and bites all over her, and then at George, whose lips were swollen, had bites on his neck, and was shirtless.

"...B-Babe?.." Dream stammered, looking at George who looked at him. "Uh- Hey dear-" "What the fuck!? You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend!" The girl, Mxmtoon, shouted at the brunette, who grabbed her hips. "I know, I know... but you're better than him," George whispered softly, before he was slapped by the female.

"Fuck off! You should've told me!! I never would've done that!" She cried, before running out, apologizing to Dream as she passed him. The dirty blonde stared at the brunette, who approached him and tried to hold him. "Baby, Hey- That was all just a big misunderstanding!" George tried, Dream staring blankly at the floor.

"Is this what all your hangouts are like?" .... "I guess so.. Goodbye, Asshole. And you can keep the stupid rings.." Dream took off his ring- which he had bought two of, so he and George would match- and then he dropped it on the floor, walking out. After he got out of the house, he started running as fast as he could, tears starting to fall.

Dream ran, and ran, and ran, he ran even after he felt snow falling on him, his feet sinking into the stuff beneath him. He didn't stop, not until he got to a door, and he sobbed as he knocked on the door, falling to his knees. The door opened a few minutes after he started knocking, and he was immediately encased in a hug.

"Dream? Hey hey, What's wrong?" Techno ran a hand through the boy's hair as he spoke, allowing him to cling onto the pinkette. "T-Tech- He-He-He's been-" Dream tried, before breaking down into sobs again, shaking his head. The piglin hybrid picked him up gently, bringing him inside- closing the door behind him.

Techno carried the dirty blonde to the couch, sitting down with him and letting him just cry it out. "H-He cheated- He's-He's been che-cheating- I- I trusted hi-him!!" Dream sobbed, holding onto the other's shirt tightly. Techno glanced back at the sound of the door opening and closing, seeing Phil and nodding. 

The winged man glanced over, seeing Dream sobbing into the pinkette's chest, and nodding to himself- deciding to make some hot cocoa, he seemed cold- and who knows, it could 'warm his heart'! Phil silently laughed at himself while walking to the kitchen. When he finished making it, he walked back out and gave one cup to Techno, and then he ruffled Dream's hair.

He passed a drink to the dirty blonde, who slightly smiled up at him, thanking the man. Phil looked up at the television, which had a Disney movie playing. Once the two- or really- once Dream had finished his drink, he placed the cup down and cuddled up to Techno, hugging his arm and closing his eyes.

The end,
As you can probably tell, I had no clue what to call this one-
Y'know, When you have 100+ one-shots/chapters, it's hard to make new names- 
As you have probably noticed as well, I upload multiple chapters at once. 
I hope that semi explains why I don't upload every day, 
Thank you all for so much support!
I love you all!

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