No ship - He's a child?

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TW: Implied torture, Murder, death, Dream is a small child, mentions of skin being torn off, Also FitMC is like, father figure to dre

The kid sat on the floor, babbling nonsense as he sucked on his own thumb- this child was a few weeks old, and he had no clue what this world was, why he was there, or what he was. he didn't know what 'he' meant, or why he was sucking on his thumb, he didn't know what a thumb was. He had been born outside of spawn- by someone, who he didn't remember.

These, creatures, were feeding him, and letting him drink, they had done it for around... 3 years. Until, the child was helping them, he fed them when he could, but.. they were killed not too long after he turned 3, just a day before he arrived, and took him in. "What's a kid like you doing out here?" "What's your name, kid?" This man asked, kneeling down.

The poor boy tried to speak, but, it was obvious he had no idea how to. "I'll teach you, My name's Fit." Fit smiled slightly, helping the kid up. "Da...Dada?" The 3 year old tilted his head, Fit standing there in shock. "Uhm- Sorry Kid, not your dad." Fit laughed nervously, sighing softly as the kid hugged his leg. Fit picked the child up, looking at the boy.

"Hey kid, i can teach you." Fit put the boy down, watching the smile grow on the younger's face- and that's where it all began. Fit taught Dream so, so many things. How to cook, how to talk, how to read, how to write, how to walk properly, how to fight, and so, so much more.


"Fit! I got t-the food!" He smiled, holding a handmade basket filled with food. "You know what to do, I'll be going out to look around, stay here. Okay, kid?" The dirty blonde nodded, waving to the man- who was now flying away. The 6 year old was about to get to work when a hand creeped over his mouth, another arm forcibly holding him flush against the other. Next thing he knew, his vision faded away, and he went limp.


...It had been a year since he was taken, and he often wished he had been killed when he was even younger- because nobody- no kid- was meant to go through what he had been put through in that year. He remembered screaming, he remembered pain, blood. He never found out what this person's name was.

He remembered the brown hair of the man covered in blood, he remembered the cloak torn up and covered in even more blood. He couldn't help but stab him one more time, and then take an extra cloak of the man- it was a green, silky cloak- how did this man get it? The dirty blonde didn't care, why would he? He was 7, he was a 7 year old who felt nothing. Nothing but anger, and slight fear

He walked out of the place he had been stuck, bloodied knife in hand. From then on, He killed everyone in his way, he didn't care who it was, if they were in his way, he'd kill them mercilessly. "Y-you don't have to do this! Please! Spare me!" He remembered that scream, which was followed by him being called a nightmare.

Nightmare.. that had a nice ring to it. He knelt down in front of the person, on one of their legs. He rose the knife and stabbed the other directly in their chest, over and over again. They pissed him off- They screamed one of the many things he had, And he didn't like it. The dirty blonde, now calling himself 'Nightmare', kept walking forwards- continuing to kill whoever got in his way.


Nightmare had been walking for 6 years. He had been killing for 6 years, he hadn't seen Fit in 6 years,. He didn't remember who Fit was and yet, he still missed him. He hadn't been running into players for a while, could this mean he was... getting to untouched land? He ran into a portal, it wasn't like a nether portal, nor any end portals he had seen in books.

It was just, a blinding white. He looked around, to see if this was a trap, and then he went through. Nightmare stumbled out of the portal, looking behind him to see no portal. Nightmare shook his head, just standing up and continuing to walk. It was so bright, so.. so clean. He saw animals, solid land, and.. unpolluted water.

But best of all, he didn't see any blood, or any players. He almost broke down crying. Nightmare shook his head again, walking to one of the sheep, hugging it. He heard the sound of something dropping to the floor behind him, and he saw a green jumper. Nightmare picked it up, before putting it back down and taking off his completely ruined shirt.

He put the green jumper on, before beginning to get to work on this new place. He wasn't one to destroy everything, he was one who tried to build upon it, who tried to protect- but, that soon turned into merciless murder. He had finished building a house, and he caught a glimpse of himself in the water.

 His face was still covered in blood, as were his pants, he had an eye completely drained of color, far too many scars, and he just, he looked so messed up and so ugly, to himself at least. He almost immediately decided to craft a mask- along with new clothes.

It had been a few months since he found the place, and he kept traveling around the land and building things- until he read a message- no, two messages on the communicator that everyone automatically got... [Badboyhalo joined the game] [Skeppy joined the game]. Nightmare was calling himself Dream now, he didn't like thinking of what he used to be.

Dream couldn't breathe- he- he thought this place would be safe- without destruction- ohgodohgod- Dream collapsed, crying. The two people came into his view, and he grabbed his knife, his knife that had been through so much, the knife he had almost always have with him- he would- kill them if he had to- but- but could he even kill anyone now?..

"Hey! Hey! Hi! My name's Bad, uhh- Do you know where we are?" 'Bad' asked quickly, staying a bit away from Dream- because of the knife. Dream didn't say anything, tightening his hold on the knife's handle. "Hello? Oh, how rude of me! What's your name?" This devil hybrid looking person questioned, smiling and reaching their hand out.

Dream flinched back, taking a few seconds before slowly, slowly standing. Dream examined the person, looking for any signs of them being a threat- and then he looked at the other one. "Dr.....Dre-" He tried, clearing his throat. He hadn't spoken for a while. "Dream," Dream stated simply, holding the knife even tighter- to the point his knuckles turned white.
"Nice to meet you, Dream! Now, where are we??" The man asked again. "You're in..... the..." Dream started, trying to come up with a name for the land he discovered, the land he deemed safe, his safe haven. "The.... Dream SMP...?" Dream decided on in the end, he didn't have much time to make up a better name.

"Oh, Okay! Another few questions, you don't have to answer them of course!" "Go ahead.." "How old are you?" Dream froze, he couldn't just say he was 13 years old. "I'm... 21." Dream lied, though- he had to lie a lot, so, what was one more lie? "Is there anyone else here?" .."No." And then Bad asked a few more questions, until it started raining.

 Dream bolted to his house, hiding under the roof. He never liked the rain, it scared him- he didn't know why. Dream, Bad, and the other - Who Dream figured was Skeppy - were the only ones there for another week or two, And they had built a few things- Dream found out where 'spawn' was, and made a small house around it- The community house.

 He wrote rules on signs- this was not going to be like the place he came from, where anything goes. Murder, torture, r * ..., kidnapping, stealing, terrorism, and so much more was fine in that server, nobody cared, nobody enforced rules. This was NOT like that place... And it, hopefully, never would be.

Other people joined, and most obeyed the rules. Apart from this... one kid. Tommy. Tommy stole on the first day, he disobeyed one of the rules. He only had set 3 rules. No stealing, no griefing, and no wars. Tommy stole. Dream was.. not okay with it, but, he let it slide- despite spending a solid hour trying not to cry- purely because of the memories it brought him.

After... L'manburg waged a war, he, honestly, grew less mentally and emotionally stable, but it wasn't until the killing began that he couldn't cope. He had to revert back to his old ways, and he hated it so much- Tubbo walked in on him screaming and crying as he begged nobody in particular to let the killing end.
After Tommy had been exiled, Dream was constantly yelled at by the others, because kids make mistakes, but he, Dream, was an adult, he should know better, he shouldn't be doing this to a 16 year old. Dream never told them the truth, about anything. After Tommy came back from exile, everyone yelled at Dream more.

"HE'S 16!! HE SHOULDN'T BE PUT THROUGH THIS MUCH!!" One screamed, "He's a kid!! He shouldn't have so much trauma already!!!" Another, "It's all your fault!! You're 21!! You should be better!!" And another. When he was put into the prison, he couldn't stop screaming- it was like back then- the box- the box- when he was kidnapped, he was put in a pitch black box.

He remembered begging for this person to stop, he remembered being whipped, he remembered being drugged- he remembered... he remembered his skin being torn off, his legs cut off as well as his arms, he remembered constantly respawning, he remembered the sick, twisted grin on their face... but, he remembered one thing, very, very clearly.

 He remembered their face after he stabbed them- he- he stabbed them, at 7 years of age. When Bad visited... he cried so much- but Bad didn't... he didn't touch him, didn't hug him, he just sat there. Just like anyone else on the old server would- minus killing. Bad looked at his communicator suddenly, asking Dream about something.

"Dream... Who's 'Fit'?" Dream's eyes widened- he hadn't heard that name in- in 7 years.. Bad was told to come out of the cell, and he listened, bidding goodbye to the dirty blonde. With the others, A man named Fit was asking them if they had seen a boy with dirty blonde hair, one green eye and one red, and a small x birthmark on his neck, he said he had been searching for the last 7 years.

 "Doesn't Dream have a cross on his neck?" One of them spoke, looking to the others. "Yeah, And he has dirty blonde hair.." "I've seen one of his eyes! That one was red!" "But he said he has green eyes?" They discussed until Fit cut in. 

"Where's 'Dream'? Can I see him?" The man questioned, gaining hesitant murmurs from the others- who eventually agreed, leading him to the prison. "I'm surprised at how intact this world is- but, then again, not every server is an anarchy server like 2b2t," Fit shrugged, watching everyone tense, only to shake their heads and relax again.

Sam let the man into Dream's cell, where the boy was hugging his knees to his chest, sobbing. Fit knew instantly... it was him. He rushed over to Dream, kneeling down and hugging him, running a hand through his hair when Dream started screaming 'no'. "Hey, Hey, Kid.. It's me," Dream froze, before he threw himself onto the taller, sobbing.

 Two of the others were in the cell, just in case something were to happen- They couldn't trust Fit, or Dream. "Geez- Act your age Dream! You're 21! Not 10!" One of them yelled, making Fit look back. "...Dream.. you told them you were 21?" Dream nodded, pressing his face into the other's shoulder, holding him close while trying to stop crying.

"Dream, Kid.. it's okay to cry, you're.. what, 13?.." Dream started crying even harder, holding onto the other's shirt tightly. "13?! Nonono, he's 21! Besides, how do you know him?!" Dream started full on sobbing again, "D-Dad- don-don't let h-im take me b-back- I k-killed him! I don't- wanna go- it h-urt-" Dream sobbed, shaking his head. "He's not going to take you back, I promise kid.."

The end.

I'll be honest,
While making this, I wasn't in a great mood, 
So sorry if it's worse than normal!

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