Dreamnoblade - Clothing switch!

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TW: Implied eating disorders

"Oh! Hey guys, another dono! Thank you! Uhhhh, Draco_nottaken said ' Hey, can y'all switch clothes? ' What do you guys think?" Phil looked at the others after reading the dono. The others all nodded, thanking their donator before making a quick plan about who switches with who.

Tommy would switch with Tubbo, Eret would switch with Ranboo - because they were similar sizes - Wilbur would switch with Fundy, Schlatt would switch with Phil, George and Sapnap would switch, Karl and Quackity would as well, Puffy and Niki would switch, blah blah blah, and then Techno and Dream would switch as well.

They all agreed to that - some reluctant - before going off to changing rooms. Techno went and got a pair of his clothes to give to Dream, and Dream supposedly did the same - he didn't, he get spares in his inventory. Techno opened the door to one of the dressing rooms, looking for Dream- he didn't expect the man to already be stripping down. He couldn't tear his eyes away however- both because of worry and shock.

The dirty blonde had already taken off his mask, along with his shirt and shoes- he needed to change his pants as well. He was so fucking thin, it couldn't be healthy. He was so pale as well. His eyes had really dark eye bags under them, and it was frightening - not even Techno was this bad.

The pinkette shook his head to himself, walking in, giving Dream a pair of his - Techno's - clothes, receiving a pair of Dream's in return, and then he left, going to another dressing room. When they came out, Techno found that Dream's clothes were just a size too small - a bit tight, but, not too much so.

But the pants were either the perfect size, or just slightly big. When Dream came out, the clothes were rather big on him. Techno decided to add something to Dream's look - a spare crown. Dream didn't have a spare mask, so, there wasn't one for Techno. After they finished the stream, a few donations later, Techno pulled Dream aside, eyes filled with worry.

"Dream, hey, uhm... Be honest with me, please? Why are you so... skinny?" The pinkette asked, watching how Dream seemed to tense. The dirty blonde suddenly fell into the taller, sobbing as he explained it. "I-I-I-I haven't been eating- not-not more than I need to s-survive- I-it's been going on fo-for 2 months and-and I'm scared- I'm so fucking scared Techno, What if- what if I never get b-better?" The boy sobbed, holding onto Techno tightly.

The pinkette wrapped his arms around Dream gently, holding him close. "Dream, I'll help you through this.. I'm here, I'll help you get better, now c'mon, let's get back to mine, yeah?" Dream nodded, muffling his quiet sobs in Techno's shoulder. Techno didn't mind. They went back to Techno's house, to the couch, and they just cuddled, the pinkette whispering praises and compliments to the smaller, kissing him every few moments.

The end,

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