Minx x Dream part 2 -Requested- Telling everyone

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Minx x Dream
Requested by: EmilyLikesShipping
Top: Minx
Bottom: Dream
Fluff <3
3rd Person

It had been about a month since Minx and Dream had, well, done it. And they believed they should tell the other's, also taking this as a chance to get Dream to do some form of a reveal. What they were planning to do in a day or two, was they'd both take a picture of the other, to show they really were there together, and then they'd show each other holding hands or something.

Minx was extremely excited, and wouldn't stop talking about it. She kept saying how great it'll be, but... Dream was really nervous, and anxious, which quickly ended up in him having a full on breakdown.

Minx has just gotten back from buying some groceries, and she had just put them on the kitchen counter. She put everything down before yelling out to the other.

"Darling! Dream! I'm home!"

She yelled, expecting the other to at least reply with something. She got a bit worried when she heard nothing, although assumed he was asleep. She walked up the stairs, and to their now shared room. She opened the door quietly, looking inside.

She didn't see Dream on the bed, but she did see that most of the blankets had been dragged almost completely off the bed. She grew more worried, since Dream was someone who insisted on keeping the bed tidy, no matter what happened.

Minx quickly ran over to the side of the bed that the blankets had been dragged off of, and saw Dream. She didn't see him asleep, or anything like that. He was crying, a lot, and his sad hoodie was on. The reason they called it the sad hoodie is because it was the most comfortable, and the biggest jumper he had. Along with the fact he only really wore it when he was upset.

Minx knelt down before sitting down properly, quickly but carefully hugging the other and bringing him into her lap. She rested his head on her shoulder, running a hand through his hair gently.

"Hey...hey...darling... what's wrong?"

She asked, not minding the cold feeling of her shoulder being soaked in tears. It was for the other, the one she loved the most, the one she would die for. So of course she didn't mind.

"Wh-What if they don't like h-ow I look?.."

He stuttered, still crying. Minx kept running a hand through his hair, kissing the side of his head.

"Dream, Darling.. have you ever even looked in a mirror?... You're Beautiful, Stunning..."

She reassured him, rubbing his back softly. He kept crying, though, he had relaxed a bit.

"What if...what if th-they don't accept...u-us?..."

He asked, looking up at her. She sighed, smiling softly at him.

"Even if they didn't, which I'm sure they will... That wouldn't change anything... I'd still love you.."

She replied, putting a hand on his cheek. He slightly leaned into her hand, smiling slightly. He still had tears running down his cheeks, though that was partially because he was happy to hear those words.

Minx picks him up gently, carrying him over to the bed and laying him down. He was about to say something when she kissed him, kind of pinning him to the bed as she did. She had no plan on doing anything further than kissing him however, it was just simple like that.

She broke the kiss and laid down next to the other, kicking off her shoes quickly, smiling as he cuddled up to her. She wrapped her arms around him, and they soon fell asleep.

Next morning

It was finally time for them to tell everyone about their relationship, and they were both excited, although the smaller out of the two was still quite nervous and scared. Minx got her phone out, smiling before passing it to a Dream, telling him that, so he could relax a bit, she would have her picture/s taken first.

After Minx had her pictures taken, it was Dream's turn. He passed Minx back her phone, and she smiled.

"You ready?"

She asked, patting the others head gently.


He stuttered, smiling softly. He didn't have his mask on, nor his hoodie. He had a black crop top with a white cat at the front, along with some greyish blue jeans on. Where as Minx had Dream's hoodie wrapped around her waist, jeans of almost the exact same colour, and a lavender top on.

Minx took multiple pictures of Dream, taking a few, private ones for later, if you get what I mean. Dream was blushing when the other was done taking pictures, absolutely hating his face. Minx wrapped an arm around Dream's waist, and Dream wrapped his around her neck, she took a photo of this.

They both posted all the pictures on both accounts. All of them minus the private ones. Most of the comments that came in quickly were positive and supportive, but some were a bit mean about the fact Dream was so short, and how he seemed to be the bottom.

They were just cuddling when George suddenly texted them both, saying that he was at their house. He texted a few hours ago, having said he was coming. Dream and Minx both got up and went to the door, opening it and smiling.

"Hey guys! I guess it's true then, eh? You two became a thing?~"

George teased, secretly a bit hurt inside. Although, he was in love with another, s it didn't hurt way too much. Dream blushed and hid his face, while Minx chuckled and nodded, kissing Dream after a minute or two to prove it. George just clapped, and asked if he could stay for a few nights.

Of course they let him. But...... let's just say... He was traumatised and... he could hear nothing but screams echoing through his head. Along with bed creaks.

The end
I'm happy that you stuck throughout this one!
I know these are meant to be oneshots, and not really meant to have a part 2, but a really sweet person requested it!
I hope this was alright!
Currently it's like, 12:19 am, (I think, it's after midnight) so I think I might head offline after publishing this-
Anyway, Cya! Have a great day/afternoon/night!!

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