No ship - It was all fake?

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No ship <3<3
- Mentions of Torture
- Labs
- Experiments?
- Virtual reality (ig?)
- Mentions of a needle
- I think that's all
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Dream looked around the room- why the fuck did Phil stop moving? "Phil? Hey! Say something, what the hell?!" Dream yelled, shaking the older man- he wasn't doing anything, he wasn't breathing, he wasn't moving, he didn't seem real anymore. Dream looked for Techno, hoping he would know what to do. He was Phil's best friend, so maybe this has happened before?

Techno was on the floor, everything the same as Phil. "Shit shit shit- W-What the fuck..!" He took a couple seconds before running out- he knew this was a terrible idea, but he went to Ranboo's house to see if he could help. Dream would rather be taken back to the prison or executed than let his saviors die without even trying to find help.

Ranboo was limp in one of the chairs around a table he had in his house. His eyes were open and he wasn't breathing either. Dream didn't understand- what the hell was happening?! Dream decided to take a riskier move and teleport to the main smp, looking around for anybody. He ran into George, who was the same as the other three. He kept going.

He was the only one who didn't seem dead. He felt an overwhelming pain and tiredness wash over him suddenly, he screamed, falling to his knees. "This is the last one to get out?" He heard a voice, he looked around, nobody was there. "Who are you?!" Dream yelled. "You're telling me you didn't knock him out before starting to get him out?! You dumbass!" Dream held his head tightly- he had a headache, it hurt so bad- he couldn't think properly.

"What did you do to the others?!" He kept yelling. "Calm down! You're gonna shut it off and take your own life!" Dream froze- what the fuck? Shut what off? What did she mean?! "We'll explain it to him later, you have to explain why you didn't knock him out first though," Dream looked around quickly when he heard the voices were closer- he could see two people.

One was really tall, she had black hair which was tied back in a ponytail, she wore a white coat which was rather long, she had a small piercing in her left ear, an eyebrow slit and she wore glasses. Dream had never seen her before.

The other person was considerably shorter, around Sapnap's height. He had short, messy brown hair, he also had glasses though they seemed more of an accessory. The guy wore the same kind of coat as the woman and he had a lip piercing. Who the fuck were these two?

"I'm sure you're confused, we'll explain shortly. Unfortunately one of the others is acting up so we must go attend to that," The guy made up an excuse before running out with the woman. Dream struggled in his restraints- he was restrained? Where was he? Why was he there? Where was everyone else?!

 Dream managed to get out of the chains holding him mostly still and ran for the door the two from before left through. He heard an alarm start going off the second he got out of the chains. He stumbled to the floor- what the fuck? His legs hurt like hell. Come to think of it, everything hurt. When he looked down to figure out why, he saw multiple injuries on his arms and legs.

Dream was so confused. He didn't have time to think when footsteps were rushing in and he was suddenly picked up and brought back to where he had been chained. "It would've been better if you had just waited, now everyone else is on lockdown and they're being forced to stay in their rooms," One of the people tying him back up sighed.

"It was almost visiting time as well," They hummed. "What the fuck do you mean? This-this isn't some kind of prison, is it?!" Dream couldn't help but yell. "It's a lab. They were almost able to come see you," Dream didn't remember much after that, he blamed it on the needle they pricked him with.

All he knew was that he woke up the next day to the first two people he saw outside of the smp. "Dream Wastaken, correct?" Dream nodded. "Right. So, this idiot over here didn't follow the standard procedure, so you may be feeling major amounts of pain right now. Though, you deserve an explanation," Dream didn't say anything, he just stared at them.

"O-okay, so. A year or so ago you signed up for something, a test you were told would be quick and easy. You were lied to. But we uh.. we couldn't afford to wait anymore. You were the first to be put into what we called the Endurance Test," The guy spoke, obviously very nervous. "...What?" Dream was so confused.

"We put your mind into another world along with your friends. It was a test on human behavior as well as a test as to how much one could take," Dream didn't find any of the information useful, other than it being an experiment with his friends. "You weren't showing as many signs of collapsing as the rest, so we told one of our workers who is also your friend, Quackity, to push you. Sam hadn't been told anything but Quackity managed to convince him," They continued.

Well, at least Dream knew Quackity didn't hate him that much to actually torture him without knowing it wasn't real. "All of your other friends are already out. You lasted the longest, a week longer then all of them. The program made everyone keep interacting as if they were still in the simulation, but they weren't," Dream looked down- why didn't anybody help him? "If you can keep calm, we're allowed to remove the chains and take you to the dining hall,"

Dream looked up quickly, he nodded- he wanted to see everyone. "Okay," Is all one of them said before helping him down. Dream kept his eyes on the floor as they walked, trying to ignore the pain he was feeling. Fuck his legs hurt so bad. "We're outside. Go in, we aren't allowed to go in without security," The woman stated. Dream just nodded and walked inside, his eyes still on the ground. Did he even have his mask?

"Dream! Oh thank fuck you're out now!" George ran over and hugged him. Dream didn't say anything- why didn't George hate him still? Surely he should, he was so mad at him for so long after Dream dethroned him. "Big D? That's you?" Tommy looked up from his food, looking over at the man who looked like he was so beat up.

Tommy wasn't afraid like most people thought he would be, he saw how Dream was when the man was still stuck in the alternate world- how he ran around trying to find help for Phil, Techno and Ranboo. He was still on edge a bit, but nowhere near as much as most would've thought. Tommy was one of the first to be taken out.

Tubbo and Ranboo were taken out immediately after the situation with Micheal- Tubbo saw both Ranboo dead and heard Micheal was being held hostage and he tried to kill himself which made him be taken out quickly, Ranboo found out about Tubbo doing that and he was taken out. Tommy was taken out after his encounter with Dream when he ran into him. From there, it was Karl, Bad, Skeppy, Sapnap, Sam, Puffy, Punz, Wilbur, Schlatt, Fundy, Phil, Jack, Niki, Eret, Ant, Foolish, Slimecicle, Quackity, Techno and then Dream.

While a lot of their friends participated, a lot of them didn't at the same time. "What happened to your legs?" One of the others asked, and he looked to see who it was- Fundy. Next to him was.. Dream could feel tears in his eyes already, he started backing up into one of the corners.

"Dream? Hey man, all of that was fake, I'm not gonna-" Quackity started, reaching his hand out towards Dream. Dream pulled at his hair, falling to the floor and curling up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry-" Dream kept repeating, he didn't want to get hurt again- he couldn't take it. Quackity backed off quickly.

"Dream, Dream. Look at me, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. We're not in the prison anymore," Quackity tried- everyone else just seemed confused. Or well, most of them- Techno quickly walked over and sat next to Dream, gently resting a hand on his shoulder.

"You're okay Dream, we're all here for you.. Nothing's going to happen, I promise. You won't get hurt again," Dream held onto Techno tightly, closing his eyes and trying to calm his breathing. Dream let go of Techno, taking a deep breath. "I-...I'm fine. I'm sorry.. I guess I j-just wasn't expecting to see him so soon.." Dream muttered.

"It's understandable, Dream. You don't have to apologize. He tortured you, even if for a test, nobody can blame you for any reaction you may of had," The pinkette reassured him, smiling softly.

"...Simp," Dream whispered, smiling slightly.
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I saw this idea just going around and I thought it was really cool, so yeah-
I rushed it quite a bit but yk, i hope you guys still enjoyed it!
Bye bye! Love you all <3<3

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