DreamNotFound - Accidental Face Reveal

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Not a request
Top: George
Bottom: Dream
3rd Person

George was in the middle of a stream, face cam on, and it was around 7pm. He had just found a cave with a lot of Iron, and he yelled 'Yes' out loud, extremely excited. He claps his hands once, out of happiness.

Dream had been asleep, as he was really tired due to his terrible sleep schedule. He was woken up by George's yell. He sat up, rubbing his eyes before walking to George. He sat on the older's lap, humming as he wrapped his arms around him.

George smiled, forgetting about the face cam. He wrapped his arms around the smaller in return, kissing his cheek. Dream smiled back at him, looking into his eyes. George gave in to his want to kiss him, kissing him deeply. The younger kissed him back, closing his eyes.

Neither noticed the light on the computer, saying that his face cam was still on. The chat was going crazy, the DNF shippers squealing whilst spamming the chat. They eventually broke the kiss, George opening his eyes and smiling again. Dream turned around, still sitting on George's lap however. He only turned because he wanted to watch the other play Minecraft.

Dream was a relatively pale male, currently wearing his lover's favourite blue jumper that was far too big for him. He had freckles on his cheeks, along with a permanent blush. He had a red eye on one side, the other being green. He leaned back into the other, not noticing the light until a few minutes later.

Once he noticed, he got up quickly, running off to their room again. He thought the chat would hate him, more specifically, hate how he looks and their relationship. He was scared of their opinions, just like he was at first scared of George's opinion on him and his looks.

He curled up in their bed, crying quietly as he thought of all the worst possibilities that could happen. He buried his face in his significant other's jumper, crying into it. He hated how emotional he could get sometimes, he didn't want anybody to know about it either.


Dream heard George say, walking over quickly. He curled up more, crying more. George sits down next to him, pulling him into his lap. He hugged him gently, running a hand through his hair comfortingly.

"Hey hey... Dream, love.. they don't hate you.."

He whispered into his ear, kissing his cheek. Dream looked up at him, tears still falling from his eyes. George carefully wipes his lover's tears away, smiling softly at him.

"T-they don't?.."

He stuttered out, shaking slightly. George pats his head softly, shaking his head.

"They don't.. I promise.."

He reassured him, kissing his cheek again. Dream smiled slightly, blushing a bit before asking something.

"C-Can we go to sleep... y'know...t-together?.."

He asked, receiving a nod from the taller. They both smiled again, Dream thanking him. George lays down, holding Dream close to him. Dream gladly cuddled up to him, blushing a bit. They both ended up falling asleep together.

The end
I wrote this purely because I was bored and wanted to write some DNF fluff.
I hope you all know I only ship their personas, not the actual people!
Anyway, I hope you liked this really short one shot!
Have a nice day/afternoon/night!

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