No ship - That school sucks.

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TW: Child abuse, torture of a minor, trans Dream, Technically child slavery? Mentions of Vomit - not much, based on a real school, impled r*pe, implied sexual assault, hospitals, mentions of injections, 

Diana looked around the area, afraid of the new place. She had just been sent to this all girls, Christian boarding school, because her parents believed she had taken too much of an attitude with them, and she needed to learn where her place was. Their words, not hers. She looked up at the headmaster- the owner of the school, he looked... scary, to say the least, but, so did her mother and father!

"Diana Wastaken, I'll be showing you around this fine place, as well as showing you our uniform. You will refer to me as Sir, or Mister Householder," The man spoke, not hesitating at all to grab the 7 year old's wrist, pulling her along with him along the halls. He told Diana what each room was for, there were barely any rooms, however.

There were a few rooms dedicated to housing students, but, there were no beds- simply torn up sheets. There were two bathrooms. One was showers- showers that you'd find in some kind of jail. The other one had toilets. There was another room, a large room that looked sort of like a church or a chapel of some kind.

"And this, this is where you'll report each day when we call for you. Now, come. You must get in the uniform immediately," He led Diana to the rooms, giving her a uniform. It looked like nobody wanted it, which, probably wasn't far from there truth. The dirty blonde stood there, waiting for the other to leave before slipping on the uniform quickly.

As soon as she was done, she walked out, looking around to try and figure out where to go. "Hey! New girl! Come on, clean the windows before he sees you slacking off!" Diana walked over to her, picking up some of the cleaning supplies and beginning to clean the window. "Why does it matter if he sees us not doing it?" The dirty blonde questioned, getting no answer. She decided to leave it as that, both working in silence. 

It had been a week since she came to the school, and, she sort of understood now. She had passed out in the middle of working earlier, due to it being so cold, and her being forced to work and memorise the bible all of the night before. A bit after that, she was forced to eat a certain food that she physically couldn't make herself eat — those being carrots.

And she threw up, she asked to be excused before hand because she felt sick, but, she was forced to stay and finish the food, because 'She must learn to accept every crumb of food the lord presents to her'. After she threw up, one of the staff members forced her to eat it again, not new food, but her own vomit.

As soon as she could, she ran to the bathroom- throwing up again. She felt extremely sick, and she kept throwing up until there was nothing left to throw up. After that, she left the bathroom and went to the room they all slept in, curling up on the 'bed'. She stayed there until an hour later one of the staff members walked in, grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the room.

"Diana, You forgot, you have to be punished," They hummed, dragging her outside. It was... so dark, so cold, and just- generally terrifying. They handcuffed her to a pole outside, not near a road by any means, "H-Hey, don't leave me out here! Please? Please! I'll- I'll clean everything myself! I'll m-memorise every word- I'll do anything! Just please! N-not out here!" She cried, trying her best to get out of the handcuffs.

"Miss Wastaken, No, Diana. The only way you're getting out of those handcuffs is either you find your own way out, or you wait until morning," They stated before going inside. When the staff member came out next, which was in the morning, they uncuffed Diana- not caring much about how her skin was broken, causing bits of blood to drip to the floor and down her arm.

"Go inside," They walked back in, Diana following behind them. She went and took a shower quickly- it wasn't warm water whatsoever, but, it was fine. It was warmer than outside. She got dressed again, and then went to the area they ate, knowing they'd have to eat before going to work again. It had been... what, 2 years now? Since she had been put into this school.

She was 9 now. She had also been put into the position of the student 'prefect'. She was basically a fucking toy for everyone, actually, slave was a better way to put it. She had to do extra work for everyone, she had to listen to them, the staff members and the students could do as they wished with her, as long as the students were still working.

She did, however, manage to make a mask that she somehow managed to wear almost all the time. The staff allow her that, at least. Diana stared at him with wide eyes, bottom lip trembling. "Don't worry, Baby girl, I'll take good care of you~" He purred, lifting one of her legs and pushing her back into the wall of the shower room. Shower time for the others was over, and Diana was going to be taking a quick shower before cleaning the room. That was the plan until he came in.

It had been another 2 years, she was 11 now. She still hadn't been able to forget the feeling of the man's thrusts, the way his hands held her in all the wrong ways, and the worst part, the feeling of being filled by him. She was still in the school, unfortunately, but, she overheard the staff talking about sending her to a mental hospital.

She assumed it was because she wanted to be addressed as a he, and because of her disliking her name- wanting to change it. She started using scraps of cloth she found around the place and that she could clean to act as a binder, because she- no, no, because he couldn't stand looking at his own chest anymore.

And now, based on the most recent conversation he overheard, he was being sent to a hospital, he decided to make sure he had anything that he wanted to keep with him on him at all times, just in case they sent him away at any time. And oh boy, was that smart of him. Only the next day, two of the staff members were taking him away.

He had been drugged with something, and he woke up some time later in a completely white room, white and blank. He panicked, looking for his things, but, unfortunately the only things of his he found was a picture of him and his family, and bandages he had ended up stealing from a staff member to use as a binder.

He checked if he still had bandages on, and he did, luckily. After a week of being completely alone, the door finally opened. A while later, again, he had started experiencing, the punishments. Dream sometimes would be forced to climb a rope, one that had small spikes on the sides- cutting him every time- in order to get food or water.

Sometimes, the doctor would chain him to a chair, and inject painful injections that caused no true damage. He still had his mask at least, and that's all he really cared about. He was sitting in the main part of the 'hospital', around all the other occupants- who looked far more okay with this god forsaken place.

He had been there for a few years, people came and left, but, he never spoke to them. He was 17 when he got out, 16 when someone finally came to save him. The younger one of the two who saved him had pink hair, he was 16 as well, and he was in there temporarily because they were having a visit. The older one seemed to be his father.

The pink haired boy, who was named Techno, had tried talking to him, and didn't give up until Dream finally spoke. His voice was all scratchy, but other than that it sounded close to the same as before. Techno was asking what it was like in there, he asked what the people were like, and, worst of all, he asked if Dream was okay.

And the dirty blonde started crying quietly, shaking his head. His first words to Techno were 'Please help me'. Long story short, Techno and Phil took Dream in - signing papers for Dream to get out. Dream met Tommy, who was about 11, Tubbo, who was the same age, and Ranboo who was also the same age- oh, and Wilbur, who was just two years younger than him and Techno- meaning he was 14.

Years later, Dream was 21, he had friends, and he was coping, better at least. He still had nightmares almost every night, he still broke down a lot, but, he had improved. That's for sure. Anyways, Dream was streaming, and, he had gotten caught in a conversation about words most should know, considering most of them had gone to school and graduated.

 "Ok ok, Dream! What does Melancholy mean?" One asked him, Dream freezing up. "What?" He breathed out, unsure of what it meant. "No no, you're meant to tell us what it means! C'mon! It's like, 7th or 8th grade stuff, you should know this!" Dream looked down, clenching his fists. "Well, I don't, okay? So just- just drop it," "Dream, didn't you go to school?"

 "I did, but they didn't fucking teach us anything, now leave me alone," The dirty blonde walked off, Techno following him and hugging him gently, not knowing what was wrong, only knowing what Dream had been taken from in the end- the hospital.

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