No ship - I warned you~ (Part two of '...Dream...' - fake quackity actor)

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TW: R * pe.. Torture, blood, hospitals, broken bones, cuts, TeChNiCaL kNiFe PlAy- 

It had been a bit since the... incident, and they hadn't been making anymore episodes- the last one was meant to be the season finale anyways. They kept the majority of the film from the incident in.. minus when there was actual nudity and after that- they felt bad for leaving something like that in, but.. they didn't have much of a choice.

Plus, Dream - even if he was in the middle of a breakdown - said it was okay to keep it. Quackity regrettably had to voice over some parts, but, in the end, it was really good. And the fans LOVED it. Sure, some were giving 'Quackity' a bit of shit because of how messed up it was, but, oh well. Dream also got a bit of hate, people saying that c!dream deserved it- slightly the actor himself too.

Dream had been extremely paranoid for the first week or so after the incident, not able to be near anyone or anything who seemed or sounded like Quackity, plus being scared 'Quackity' would hunt him down- like he said he would. The two weeks after that, he was getting better - he still couldn't be around Quackity or be reminded on him, but, he was doing a lot better, really.

Another few weeks after that, he faced Quackity. But.. of course, after all that progress, something just HAD to happen. Quackity and Dream were friends again, and Dream found out it wasn't Quackity who did... that.. Dream apologised for panicking when he did, even if it wasn't actually Quackity who did it. 

So, just when Dream finally recovered enough to be near Quackity, there was an incident. Dream smiled softly to himself as he sat up, standing and walking down to his kitchen. Unlike a few weeks ago, he wasn't afraid of being home alone, or wandering the house alone. He had only just managed to grab an apple when he heard something break- he knew he didn't drop or knock anything over. Patches was at his mother's place.

And there was nobody else in the house. All his windows were closed and locked, so those couldn't be it either. Dream bit down on his apple while walking towards the source of the sound. It was a window, it had been broken.. from the outside. Just as he realised this, he was pulled back forcefully, a hand over his mouth.

"Mmph!!" The dirty blonde was dragged away from the window and upstairs- it hurt. Dream was pushed down onto the floor, being pinned down by... the guy who was there last time.. the fake Quackity.. "I warned you baby~ If you told them, I'd hunt you down.." They purred, uncovering Dream's mouth in favour for tearing his clothes off.

"N-No!! Please- I-I'm sorry-" Dream cried, trying to push the other off. Dream's wrists were tied together above him, and then he was tied to the railing around the balcony, so his back was to ... him... Dream felt something prod against his entrance- it was cold and solid- and- it certainly wasn't the other's fingers or his lower part.. so what was- Dream felt a sharp pain next to where the other pushed the thing in- and then he felt a warm liquid.. Oh..

"Figured it out?~ That's right, it's one of the knives from your kitchen~" Dream's eyes widened as it was pushed deeper, making him practically scream- he felt it cut inside again, but, it felt so much much fucking worse. There was more blood- he could fill it drip down his thigh. "You're lucky... As hot as watching you suffer is, I want to just fucking be inside you already.."

Dream shook his head, breathing erratically as the knife was pulled out and quickly replaced with something that wasn't as sharp. It still hurt a LOT though.. "I'M SORRY- St-OP!" Dream cried, his nails digging into his palms so hard that there were small bits of blood forming. "FUCK!! PLEASE!!!" Dream screamed, shaking his head frantically.

He could feel the blood rushing down his legs, he could feel him rubbing directly against the cut. "Stop struggling!" The man who pretended to be Quackity - Zack - yelled, thrusting inside harshly over, and over again. Dream couldn't stop screaming, it hurt so fucking much.. He kept trying to get away, until it got too much.

It wasn't too much later when he felt another warmer liquid fill him- he instantly knew what it was- and he thrashed around even more. "Nononono!! Not in-inside!!!" He sobbed, but it was too late. It's not like Zack would've listened anyway.. "I hope you know, I meant it when i said I'd do this for hours~" 

Dream had lost his voice from screaming and begging, and his throat hurt like all hell for multiple reasons. He was currently laying on the floor, covered in and surrounded by blood and... another liquid. He couldn't move, not much, and everything hurt. "You know, I was considering killing you, but~ I think making you deal with this is worse~ I might come back at some point, bye bye Dreamie~" And then Zack left.

Dream just laid there for a while, trying to keep himself conscious. Eventually, he managed to crawl to where he left his phone it wasn't too far, but it took him a while to get there. Dream refrained from using his legs whatsoever, as they were all cut up, bruised and broken. He shakily grabbed the device, pressing one of his contacts and listening to it ring.

He tried to ignore the pain all over his body, but he couldn't, and he was still sobbing and crying. "Dream?" A voice spoke and he instantly started sobbing more, trying to get words out. "Pl-ease- he- ba-ck-" He managed to choke out between sobs. "Dream?! What happened?!" "H-elp- he ca-me ba-ck- an-and-"

"The police and an ambulance are on their way, I'm calling the others now, okay?" It was so hard to stay even relatively calm. Wilbur had called the others, and most rushed to Dream's place - some stayed home, because they didn't want to overwhelm Dream with people. 

When they got there - Wilbur, Techno, George, Sapnap, Bad, Ranboo and Tubbo The minors wouldn't let them go without them. They needed to see their brother, and Tommy had to stay home, he was too scared- rightfully so - Dream was on the floor by the stairs, having crawled down them. He was shaking like crazy, he was nude they didn't have to question that and he looked so... beaten.

He was covered in bruises, they could see certainly broken bones, his nails had been torn off, chunks of skin were missing, one of his eyes was fucking gone, he had extremely deep cuts all over him, he was covered in blood and a white substance, and he just, he looked so.. fucked up. George and Sapnap broke down into tears while trying to cover Ranboo and Tubbo's eyes, Techno and Bad ran over to the dirty blonde, and Wilbur just- stood there, he couldn't move.

"Dream? Dream- Oh god- What happened-" Ranboo had managed to remove the hands over his eyes, and now he wished he didn't. He quickly turned to hug Tubbo tightly. Techno was holding the poor boy in his arms, his cape covering his mutilated body. Bad was holding his hands very carefully and gently, as to not hurt him and trying to keep his attention. Tubbo's eyes were covered, but his ears weren't, and he could hear the sobs and whimpers coming from Dream, along with his quiet cries of 'it hurts'. 

The police and the medics ran into the house, Techno and Bad helping Dream into the ambulance- they didn't want him panicking if one of the medics touched him at the moment. Over the next few hours, the medics were tending to Dream's wounds, they said it was extremely serious- but they knew that. George and Sapnap and stopped crying, and now they were just hugging each other for comfort- along with Bad.

Techno was holding Ranboo's and Wilbur's hands, and Tubbo held Ranboo's. They were afraid, but, they didn't want to say it. They hadn't told the others how bad it was, they just said they were in the hospital at the moment. When they saw Dream next, he was out cold. The dirty blonde still had bits of blood on him, stitches and bandages all over him, he had an iv in his arm, and he generally looked like shit.

"Oh Dream.." Tubbo muttered under his breath, tears coming to his eyes as he looked at his older brother. "We'll be back when he wakes up.. so we can explain it to you all at once," Later on, maybe, 4-7 hours later, Dream woke up, obviously still exhausted. Wilbur chose to go out and get a doctor, not wanting to face Dream when he had froze up in front of Dream when he needed him the most. Wilbur came back with a doctor, Dream still hadn't moved.

He was too tired, and he felt weak. "Hey, Mr. Wastaken, how are you feeling?" They asked him, before seeing how he looked. "Alright, would you like me to tell you how long you're staying, or the injuries we found?" Dream nodded weakly, though he didn't look up. 

"Alright. Well, at the moment, you'll be staying here for 3 months at least. And, we found that um.. well, each of your fingers were broken, and, almost.. cut off.. 17 of your ribs are broken. Your left leg was broken as well- so badly that we had to re-break it. Your shoulder had been cut down to the bone, which also broke. Your collarbone was fractured. Your ankles were both shattered, we're unsure if that can truly be fixed,"

They started, only stating the broken bones at the moment- god there were a lot. "Your femur was broken in half, um, your tailbone was fractured, your wrist was fractured, along with your hip," They finished with the bones, and Dream was already, well, scared. Tubbo held one of his hands gently, wanting to show his support for his brother.

"And... other injuries?.." George mumbled, looking up at the doctor. "Well, um... We found multiple lacerations up 'there'," The doctor didn't care for being too professional, as much as keeping everyone as comfortable as possible. "All around there, the skin was torn and ripped. We found two deep cuts around your neck, along with multiple burns. On your right thigh, there was a chunk of skin gone, then, obviously there were your nails.. and your eye.. There was also skin torn in your throat. And- I'm sorry to say it but- there are a few that I just- I can't say. I'm sorry. Anyway, are there any questions?.." 

Dream had a few tears rolling down his cheeks, hearing all this just, hurt. "Did they-" Dream started, wincing as he spoke- only to start coughing a bit. It hurt like fucking hell to cough, it shook his whole body. "-they get h-him? and is- is 'it' all...g-gone?" Dream asked, looking at the doctor with such a broken look that, even Techno could've cried at it. "They did catch him, yes, and yes to the other one as well. I'll go get you some water, along with pain medication, okay?" Dream nodded, just going back to staring at the wall. "Dream.." Wilbur muttered, only to freeze up again when he heard the broken sobs of the poor boy. "'M-m sca-ared- I d-don't wa-ant to be he-here.." The dirty blonde sobbed, each sob hurting him more and more

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