No ships technically - They're gone...

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No ship
Dream Angst
3rd Person

He did it... Wilbur did it... He blew L'manburg up... While almost everyone was there... Almost everyone died. Dream was one of the only ones who... weren't online. He joined, hearing about the commotion, and ran to the remains of the place.

He looked around for survivors, only finding remains of people... He found Techno's Cape, and crown... along with, what seemed to be an arm. He covered his mouth, already feeling sick from all the red. He kept searching. He found George's cracked goggles, and some of the blue fabric he loved so much.

Dream started crying, though kept searching. He found one of Fundy's...ears... He kept looking, finding more remains. It was hard to identify anything. But he found parts of Wilbur's beanie, along with a leg with the same fabric he wore all the time, Sapnap's torn head piece, Karl's shirt, burnt and torn, and multiple other body parts he could only identify by the clothing.

He fell to his knees, now in the middle of the wreckage. He felt arms wrap around him, seeing Eret behind him. He doubled over, leaning on his knees and hands, throwing up. He hated it when he threw up, as it made him feel sicker. He had tears falling from his eyes, some managing to roll down his cheeks and falling from his chin.

Eret just held him, rubbing his back. Dream kept thinking about the body parts he had seen. Fundy's ear, Wilbur's leg, George's ear, Bad's horns... Schlatt's horns as well, Skeppy's left leg, Tommy's fucking eye...ect. He kept throwing up, wrapping an arm around himself, closing his eyes due to the pain.

Niki ran over, covering her mouth and turning away, closing her eyes. She was originally going to try to help the others, though she couldn't because, then she'd throw up herself. Eret helped him up after he finished throwing up, cleaning his mouth and helping him walk over to Niki.

"D-Dream...Are you ok?..."

Niki asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. Dream teared up again, shaking his head as he almost fell again, crying violently. Niki hugs him, knowing how hard it was. Yes, it hurt all of them but, he took this the hardest. He was the one who added all of them to the server. He's the one who... actually crushed over most of them, and loved the rest like family.

Dream fell to his knees again, or would've if the other two didn't catch him. He was exhausted, having spent a solid hour or two just, looking for any survivors, and throwing up and crying. He was in pain, a lot of pain. His heart hurt, his head hurt, his throat hurt, his stomach hurt, ect.

His legs had straight up given up on him, almost passing out right then and there. Eret picks his friend up, telling him to try to sleep as he carried him to his house, Niki following close behind.

Dream cried into his shoulder as he was carried, soon falling asleep. He didn't sleep peacefully however, having a nightmare. The darkness having gotten lighter, revealing all the people who had died.

"Dream, It's your fault we're dead! We can't come back. YOU killed us all!!"

Dream turned around, seeing Sapnap yelling at him. He tears up, reaching out to him as he faded.

"I-I didn't mean to- I-"

Dream started, getting cut off by another.

"It's all your fault! If you hadn't made this stupid server, we'd still be here!"

He turned again, seeing George this time. He did the same thing, though took a step forwards, tears starting to fall. He was pushed forwards, hitting the ground and turning quickly once again. Tubbo was there, crying behind a pissed off Tommy.

"You killed me!! You killed Tubbo!! We thought of you like our brother!!"

Tommy screamed, before they both faded away as well. Dream started properly crying, before feeling a sharp pain through his shoulder. He looked up and saw Schlatt, glaring down at him.

"This could've all been avoided."

He stated, before fading. He heard another familiar voice behind him, and another sharp pain, causing him to cry more.

"Dream! I thought I could trust you, even when my chat screamed not to."

Techno said, having pushed a sword through Dream's shoulder. He faded away, just as Dream tried to say something.

"We were going to get married Dream, and you led me to my death. I hate you."

He heard Fundy say, kneeling down next to him and slapping him. Dream's eyes widened, and he covered his mouth. Fundy disappears, and He saw others. All yelling, or crying. Some hit him, some screamed at him, some just, cried.

After the people disappeared, the pictures, and memories of seeing the body parts, the blood, and the items belonging to all of the now dead people flashed through his mind, only being able to be stopped when somebody woke him up, having been Eret and Niki shaking him desperately.

He looked up at them, crying. Both of them hugged Dream, rubbing his back before he got up, the body parts and blood coming back to his mind. He ran to the bathroom, continuing to throw up.

The end.
Sorry about the angst, I just wanted to write it, to be honest-
Thanks for reading!
I love you all!
Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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