Two short angst shots

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Kream? - I'm sorry

Kream? (Karl x Dream)
- Fake cheating 
- Everyone gets upset
- Karl fucking posts it
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Dream smiled as he waved his goodbyes to his lover, he had to go to work so he, unfortunately, wouldn't be able to see Karl for a little bit. He worked at an office, but sometimes he got pulled into doing things for places like modelling agencies, or art classes. He was, admittedly, rather good looking, everyone he had met so far agreed.

The dirty blonde got to his office, finding his desk and sitting down. After his job was finished, he was heading home but he was pulled to the side. Of course it was another job proposition, and he accepted it- Dream was told it would take an hour at most, as most did. And hey, he could get a bit more money on the way home while also helping someone, he was happy with that.

He finished up the job which had only taken around 45 minutes, not too bad. Dream then made his way home again, finally. Dream texted Karl that he was on his way home now. The brunette read it but didn't reply with anything, which was odd. Normally he'd send a heart back, or tell Dream he wasn't home if he was out. Oh well, maybe he was just tired.

Dream nodded to himself, that was probably it! He kept walking until he reached his and Karl's house, opening the door. "Babe! I'm home!" He called out as he went inside, closing the door behind him. No response, also odd but.. again, Karl was just tired! He put his stuff down in the dining room before heading upstairs to their room, smiling.

"Hey baby, you feeling alright?" Dream opened the door a bit, seeing the lights on and everything. He saw Karl on the bed, asleep? He sighed softly, going downstairs to get a glass of water for when he got up. The dirty blonde pushed the door open fully, going to put the water down on the nightstand when he saw something that made him just want to cry.

Someone was in bed with Karl. The glass slipped out of Dream's hands, spilling the water and breaking a bit of the glass. Dream didn't care at the moment, he'd deal with it later. He could tell the one with Karl wasn't Sapnap or Quackity, or George or any of their friends, if that were the case they would've texted him a joke about 'stealing his man', or the person would.. look different.

He walked towards the bed, feeling tears gathering in his eyes as he shook Karl awake. "Karl.. Wake up," Dream muttered, hearing Karl groan and turn to face Dream. "Who's that?.." Dream asked, pointing to them- he couldn't see their face or anything, just the clothes they wore. "I can explain Dream-" Karl stammered, looking at his boyfriend.

"....Go on then, explain," Dream wiped his face and eyes of the tears that had been spilling before crossing his arms. "..." Karl didn't say anything, yet. "Do they know? Do they know you have a boyfriend of 3 years? Do they know you cheated on me with them? Do they?" Dream questioned, if they didn't, he could never blame them. Karl was at fault here.

"...Dream, it was a-" The brunette tried, though Dream gave him a chance before to explain. "A what? A one time thing!? An accident?! You told me you loved me, Karl! I told you everything, I trusted you with everything, and for what?!" The dirty blonde started yelling. "Dream! Calm down! It was a prank! You're insane, you thought I'd actually cheat on you?!" Karl yelled back, looking at Dream in disbelief.

"..It's a prank?" Karl nodded. "...You fucking idiot! This isn't funny! This isn't cool! It's stupid and insensitive and- fuck you!" Dream pushed Karl back, turning to leave. "Dream, wait! Fucking calm down! It was a joke! A prank! Why are you getting so upset over it?!" Dream was done hearing it. "I'm staying with George,"

Karl tried to get Dream to stay, but he left anyway. He took everything he needed- which was his wallet, his phone, and a couple pairs of clothes in case. Karl, despite the disaster it became, posted the video. He really was trying to get Dream to break up with him at this point. Over the next few days, Karl didn't see Dream, hear from or about him, nothing.

He started wondering if he had fucked up with the prank.

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Dreambur - That's not okay.

Dreambur (Dream x Wilbur)
- Fake breakup
- Wilbur records it
- Dream is not happy

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Wilbur chuckled to himself, he had the perfect idea to prank his boyfriend. Dream had been hiding random things around the house, not anything important, of course. It was annoying, but Wilbur didn't mind much. They occasionally would prank each other or do random things that would be annoying, or at least slightly inconvenient.

He was going to do something bigger, but Dream wouldn't get upset! Or at least, he wouldn't be upset when he found out it was a prank. The brunette put on the most serious face he could before knocking on Dream's door. "Dream? We need to talk," Wilbur had to make sure he didn't laugh.

"Wilbur? Yeah, come in, what's up?" Dream turned around in his chair to face Wilbur, confused and kind of worried. "Dream. I have to be honest with you. This relationship... it's not.. it's not what I want anymore," Wilbur started. Dream went to talk but the brunette stopped him."I want to be in a relationship, but.. with someone who is right for me," Wilbur explained, sighing. "..Oh, if you're not happy, that's okay," Dream smiled weakly.

"No, it's not- it's not that I'm unhappy. It's that I don't love you anymore, staying you wouldn't be right," Wilbur wanted a better reaction out of Dream. He had put cameras all around for this. "...Oh.." Dream looked down. "I just- I used to love you, so much. You were the only person for me, but now.." Wilbur trailed off. He heard Dream sniffle, was he actually crying?

"H-How long?" The dirty blonde stammered. "Since last week, I realized you weren't the one for me," Wilbur had to keep up his act. "S-so all those.. those 'I love you's?.. All fake? Tell me this-this is a joke and-and you're not serious.." Dream started crying properly, looking at the other. "Please- Please, you l-love me, right? You're just j-joking?" Wilbur shook his head.

This was getting good. "I don't w-wanna lose you.. please.. tell me it's not true! Wilbur, please!" Dream begged him to say it was a joke, but Wilbur wouldn't crack- not yet. "Y-you're.. serious.. I... was I not.. not enough? Is it just like she.." Dream was cut off by his own sobs, shaking his head.

"Wilbur.. bab-baby- Please- please.. if t-this is a fucking joke.. tell me! Please! Wilbur! Please!" Dream pleaded, even if he already came to his own conclusion that it wasn't a joke, he wanted it to be. Wilbur decided he had pushed it far enough. He pulled Dream into a tight hug. "I love you Dream, I love you dear, so much. It was a prank, I'm sorry," The brunette apologized, running his hands through the others hair- until he was pushed away.

"You fucking asshole! Is-is this your sick idea of a joke?! I really fucking thought you were serious! You can't do that to me, W-Wilbur!" Dream sobbed, curling up in his chair."I know Dream, it was messed up of me and I shouldn't of done it.. I'm so sorry baby-" Wilbur started.

"DON'T you fucking dare call me 'baby' a-after that fucking bullshit!" Dream shouted, getting up from the seat and walking to another part of the room. "Dream, please- I promise, I'll never do it again, it was a mistake. I love you and I always will," Wilbur followed the dirty blonde, who eventually clung onto him, sobbing and shaking his head.

"N-never again.." Dream stammered, it hurt to see Dream like this. 

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I may or may not of been watching a certain lesbian Youtuber reacting to cheating and break-up pranks when I wrote these.
I was gonna do one of the "--- died" prank, but I decided not to for now.

Anyways~ I'm oddly interested in writing a uh, certain au including Dream being a sex worker of some kind, would you guys be interested in reading that?

Hope everyone has a good day/night! Thank you for your support <3

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