No ship - Requested - ISN'T THAT OBVIOUS ENOUGH?

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TW: Self harm, Mentioned Abuse ig, Self doubt, H a t e r s , Use of.. a certain harmful slur. Purposeful misspelling 

Dream ran his hands through his hair, inhaling and exhaling heavily, trying to calm himself down. He had.. always been keen on getting somewhat popular, as a YouTuber, but he wasn't the best when it came to dealing with the hate, not when he held hate for himself. For most, they'd be fine, it's just a bit of hate, and it's nothing compared to all the love!

But.. He was grateful for all the support, yes, but his mind seemed to always focus on the people who didn't like him, who accused him of things, who just straight-up hated him. "It's fine, you're fine," He whispered, removing his hands and sort of just shaking them, as somewhat as a coping thing?Dream looked towards his laptop, noticing how Twitter was still open.

 He knew it was a stupid idea, but he was in need of a short break. So he decided to go through Twitter, and he came across endless amounts of fights over him. It started with just people being skeptical of him cheating, to full-on accusations, to literal death threats.

 He ended up looking through the messages to him on Twitter because he was hoping to find things that would make him smile, which he found some- but, honestly, most of them were telling him things that made him feel so much worse. He ended up needing to turn off the direct messages because he just- he couldn't.

 'Dude, Why don't you speedrun life? Oh, wait, Because you can't cheat this time?'
 'If i ever meet you. I swear I'm gonna beat you as bad as you did Tommy,'
'Cant evn do anything without cheating, can you?'
'You're as bad as your 'Rolplay' character. Fucking manipulative bastard,'
'Pfft, You probably had to cheat in your duel didn't you! And you still lost!'
 'Do you realize that people just tolerate you?'
 'Anyone who ever loved you was wrong. Now I know why everybody talks about you behind your back.'
 'If I wanted to kill myself, I'd climb to your ego and jump to your IQ. You will be utterly forgotten.'
 'I'll make you like your mother!'
'Worthless fucking fag!'
'Your as awful as your mother!'
 'Just die!'
 'Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly making oxygen for you. I think that tree should burn.'
 'You just want our pity!'

 Etc. And some threats towards him, and all his loved ones.Now, if it was just one or two of those sent, he'd of been perfectly fine, but with all of them just, there in front of him, he couldn't- He just couldn't. Dream had... shared that his mother had died and that he was going to take a week or two off, properly. And now, these people were taking advantage of that.

The dirty blonde clenched his fists, trying to restrain from doing anything like he used to- but then he snapped. Dream ran to his bathroom, rummaging through the draws and cabinets. "Come on Come on Come on!" He was about to just go to his kitchen, before he saw a small box, smiling at the sight of it.

He quickly grabbed the box and opened it, picking up the blade that laid inside. His arm stung like all hell after he finished, and he was bleeding, a lot, but.. that was okay. He didn't mind. It got some of his emotions out, so he was alright, it was okay. He was fine... He put his arm under the tap, washing away the blood still spilling.

Dream walked out of the bathroom, letting himself fall face-first into the mattress on the floor, wishing he could just fall asleep and never wake up. He ended up falling asleep not too long after, and he didn't go back online for.. a week, maybe two, not talking to anyone.

All he did was sleep, cry, and occasionally eat or drink- and take a shower. Dream didn't know how worried he had made the others, but he couldn't find himself caring all too much.

Dream stared at his phone, biting his bottom lip to try and keep himself from crying. God- did he really just leave them in the dark, not even telling them he was still alive?- He was such an asshole.

Dream sat up, texting the server, saying 'hi'. He was instantly spammed with messages from the others, and he apologized for not saying anything the entire time he had been crying taking somewhat of a break. He wiped any tears that had managed to form in his eyes before loading Minecraft, while getting into a VC.

"Dream! Dream! Hey, Are you ok?" Dream tensed for a moment, but he told them he was fine. If only his voice wasn't so raspy. He hadn't properly spoken for the two weeks, only if he was crying a lot, sometimes he'd vent out loud to himself. He felt a wave of fear wash over him, what were they going to think?-

 That he was weak? They wouldn't be wrong- Dream was forced out of his thoughts by someone yelling, which just lead to him thinking of.. something.. that happened in the past. "DREAM! Hey! What's up? You know you can talk to us!" He covered his mouth, bringing his knees to his chest. He only heard his name be yelled, and then his head went crazy, crazy with memories.

 He didn't even realize he started crying, and that he was apologizing to the one who used to always scream at him. "P-apa- I-I'm s-sorry-" Dream sobbed quietly, shaking his head. He perked up slightly when he heard a specific voice, that he had known since.. the abuse started.

 "Dream, Dream, Hey, listen to my voice, ok? It's okay, you're okay. He's gone, He won't come back, I promise," Techno spoke, knowing part of what the boy had been through. While Techno was helping to calm Dream down, the others decided that some people would go over to Dream's place, to make sure he wasn't alone, and that he still took care of himself.

 After the entire situation was over with, for that day, Dream apologized to them all, and then he went silent again. It went back to just about nobody hearing from him- he didn't have anything he had to do in the smp, so he didn't come online for that. And he didn't record much anyway, so he wasn't on for that either.

Though it was worrying when they didn't hear from him for a month, and they never got his address or his permission to stay over, so they couldn't just go over and try to find him. That wasn't even the worst. A news article came up, and one of the server members shared it with everyone else. 'Well known Floridian Youtuber admitted to hospital after found unconscious and severely beaten'. It wasn't the shortest name, but it definitely caught their attention, and they read about it.

"Do you.. really think it's Dream?.." "Floridian youtuber, Dream Clayton, found in his house beaten nearly to death. Is that line not fucking obvious enough to you?!"

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