No ship - W H A T I F?

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No ship.
Not a request.
3rd Person

What if, the entire time Tommy was in exile, Dream was, actually protecting him? What if somebody was threatening to kill Tommy, while he was on his last life, if Dream didn't get him away from the other's for a while?

What if that person, said that, unless Tommy had barely anything, They would kill him? What if they were watching him? What if, that person, had been the same one who.. corrupted Schlatt? And what if the book Dream got from Schlatt, told him about this person, and how dangerous they could be?

Dream ran towards Tommy's place, panting. He had just received a message from this person, which read: "If Tommy Innit is not removed from his current place within the next day, and it is not destroyed, I will give him his final game over. - Anonymous <3"

Dream had to get Tommy away, He had to keep him safe no matter what. He had to. He cared about him too much to just, let him die. He felt a tear slide down his cheek, though he wiped it away quickly, continuing to run.

He got to Logstedshire, and quickly calmed his breathing, walking into the small place. He saw Tommy and walked over to him, tapping his shoulder, greeting him. They talked for a little while, before Dream dug a hole for Tommy's armour, knowing the person would kill the other blonde if he didn't.

Dream found something however, going down a ladder. He found a chest room, and it was filled with equipment. If *they* were to find out... The dirty blonde dug his nails into the chest, closing his eyes tightly.

Dream dug a hole again, calling Tommy over. Tommy grabbed stuff out of one of the chests, almost instantly being told to throw it away. Dream knew that someday it'd come to something like this, and that's why he gave Tommy the general direction of Techno's house.

After some arguing, Tommy threw his stuff away and into the hole, being told to back up before the dirty blonde blew it up like normal. Some stuff happened, Dream blew up Logstedshire, and the place he was staying, got Tommy to leave the area, and then went home.

He got to his home and immediately broke down, sobbing and shaking. He held himself as he fell to the side, he couldn't do this. It fucking hurt so goddamn much.  He didn't know how much longer he could pretend.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. He stood up shakily, wiping his tears and adjusting his mask. He walked to the door, opening it. "Hello?" He questioned, before seeing Bad and Skeppy.

"Dream.. we've come to return the disc." Bad stated, getting a disc out of his inventory. Dream's eyes widened and he shook his head, pulling the other two inside before closing and locking the door behind them.

"No no no no, I can't take them back, if they find out I still have them They'll murder both me and him-" He started, continuing to ramble for a while until Bad stepped in, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey hey, relax. Skeppy and I can keep the disc for now until you figure this out." Bad states, smiling slightly. Dream hugged him tightly, Bad gladly hugging back. He didn't think Dream would start crying however, though he didn't mind.

Meanwhile, with Tommy.

Tommy, after looking around for a while, decided to live under Techno's home, jusy, building a small room underneath his house and staying there. Honestly, he liked this.


Dream had managed to calm himself, apologising. The other two said it was fine, before they said their goodbyes and left. Bad being dragged away by Skeppy. Dream smiled and waved at them, before closing the door.

He heard something move, and instantly turned. He was pushed into the door by this, strange person. "Hello Dream. I see you've been getting my messages." They spoke, Dream stiffening.

The dirty blonde male nodded, looking at the person. They smiled, before slapping him. "Good. But that's for breaking down in front of your friend and spilling part of our secret." They stated, looking him in the eyes before bidding him farewell, leaving.

Dream slid down the door, tears pricking the corners of his eyes again. He curled up into a ball, still against the wooden door. He covered his mouth, crying quietly as he thought about what he'd have to do next.

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